Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Operating Thetan (OT) Levels [Part 3]


OT 7



The purpose of OT VII is the rehabilitation of ability to project intention.
The Pre OT should be set up for this rundown with all ruds flown or GF to F/N.

I. Basic Processes Setup
OT7 -1
What are you willing to cause?
What are you willing to be the effect of?
Run alternately
OT7 -2
Decide something.
Repeat to Cog, F/N, VGIs.
OT7 -3
Clear intention. (Very thoroughly) Have client use word in at least six sentences. (if

OT7 -4

1. What is a clear intention
2. Give me an example
3. What isn’t a clear intention
4. Give me an example.
OT7 -5
2W/C — the subject of intention.
OT7 -6
Recall an intention.
OT7 -7
Invent (mockup) some intentions.
OT7 -8
F-1. Tell me a thought/intention you would be willing to receive from another.
F-2. Tell me a thought/intention another would be willing to receive from you.
F-3. Tell me a thought/intention others would be willing to receive from others.
F-0. Tell me a thought/intention you’d be willing to receive from yourself.

OT7 -9
F-1. What intention of yours has another helped?
What intention of yours has another not helped?
F-2. What intention of another’s have you helped?
What intention of another’s have you not helped?
F-3. What intention of another’s have others helped?
What intention of another’s have others not helped?
F-0. What intention of yours have you helped?

What intention of yours have you not helped?
OT7 -10
F-1. What intention of another’s could you confront?

What intention of another’s would you rather not confront?
F-2. What intention of yours could another confront?
What intention of yours would another rather not confront?
F-3. What intention of another’s could others confront?
What intention of another’s would others rather not confront?
F-0. What intention of yours could you confront?

What intention of yours would you rather not confront?
OT7 -11
F-1. What intention of yours could another be responsible for?
F-2. What intention of another’s could you be responsible for?
F-3. What intention of another’s could others be responsible for?
F-0. What intention of yours could you be responsible for?
OT7 -13
Give me an unknown datum.
OT7 -14
Tell me some orders you wouldn’t mind receiving.

Tell me something that would obey you.
OT7 -15
Get the idea I can place an intention.

Get the idea I cannot place an intention.


II. L&N Intention Process
OT 7-16

Has an intention been —
Made Wrong

On biggest reading item L & N —
What intention has been ____________ ?
R-3-R Quad if evil intention.

III. Placing thoughts and intentions (inside auditing room)
OT 7 -17

Spot an object
Locate an object from which you are separate
Locate an object which is separate from you.
OT 7 -18

Think a thought.
Place that thought in/on that. (indicated object)
Get that (indicated object) thinking that thought.
Have that (indicated object) continue thinking that thought.
Have that (indicated object) cease thinking that thought.

OT 7 -19

Clear intention.
Mock up (invent) an intention.
Get the idea of placing (or place) that intention in that (indicated object).

OT 7 -20

From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions or objects).

OT 7 -21

Putting the decision on (in) that (indicated object) make a decision about it.

OT 7 -22

Decide something.

IV. Outside Processes with an Auditor (objects).
OT7 -23
Spot an object.
OT7 -24
Locate an object from which you are separate.

Locate an object which is separate from you.
OT7 -25
Think a thought in (on) that (object or position)


Do you see that (object)?

Think a thought in (on) it.

Did the thought appear where it is?

OT7 -26

From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions or objects)


V. Outside Processes with an Auditor (people)
OT7 -28
Spot an acceptable energy source.
OT7 -29
Spot a person.
OT7 -30
Locate a person from whom you are separate.

Locate a person who is separate from you.
OT7 -31
Point out a difference between that persons body and yours.
OT7 -32
Tell me something you really know about that person.

What would you permit that person to know about you?
OT7 -33
Postulate perfection into that person.

Now postulate perfection into that one.
OT7 -34
Tell me something you wouldn’t mind not-knowing about that person.

Tell me something you wouldn’t mind that person not-knowing about you.
OT7 -35
Think a Thought in (on) that person


Do you see that person?
Think a thought in (on) him/her.
Did the thought appear where it is?

OT7 -36
From that person make a choice between (indicated positions or objects).
OT7 -37
Putting the decision on (in) that person, make a decision about him/her.

OT 7 Solo Section

VI. Inside Processes Solo
(on the meter)
OT7 -39
Spot an object.
OT7 -40
Mock-up a confusion. Unmock it.
What confusion could you create?
OT7 -41
Mock-up a communication terminal.
Mock-up another communication terminal.
Dispose of these mock-ups

OT7 -42
What wouldn’t you mind communicating with.
OT7 -43
Mock-up your (father, wife, mother, husband).

Mock him (her) up again.
Dispose of these mock-ups.

OT7 -44
Now could you appreciate another as a human being.
Now could another appreciate you as a human being.
Now could you appreciate yourself as a human being.
Now could another appreciate themselves as a human being.
Now could another appreciate another as a human being.

OT7 -45
Find and run a havingness process on yourself.


VIII. Outside Processes Solo
(off the meter)
OT7 -46

Spot a person
Spot a thetan.

OT7 -47

1. Go to a place with lots of people
2. Spot them one at a time
3. As you spot each person, do the following:
A. Perceive the individual as a Life Source (Thetan).
B. Know something about that person.
C. Be willing to not-know something about that person.
D. Grant beingness to that person (by cognizing the way they are).
E. Having that person grant beingness to you.
OT 7-48

Find some plants, trees, etc., and communicate to them individually until you
know they received your communication.
Go to a zoo or a place with many types of life and communicate with each of
them untit you know the communication is received and, if possible, returned.
OT7 -49

Go out to a park, train station or other busy area. Practice placing an intentfon into
individuals until you can successfully and easily place an intention into or on a being
and/or a body.



OT 7



The Pre-OT now works solo on cleaning up the body of BT/cluster masses, one area
at a time, until each is clean and transparent to his perception. Each of the various
techniques given in the materials are used as needed to blow these BT/cluster masses.

You may in some instances have to have the Pre-OT handle BTs Dianetically
running them back through a chain of incidents. This can be complex with 3 or 4 BTs and
chains crossed.

It is very dicey to run engrams on BTs as, although they may have one mutual one,
each one has an earlier chain for it that is different than that of the others in the cluster,
so you limit the action to the mutual incident they have in common. Scn Grades O-IV can
be run on a BT but this would not be usual as the BTs we’re dealing with in NED for OTs
are below that.

When the Pre-OT has a transparent body and a clear area around it to some distance
(barring perception of other people’s difficulties) and when he realized he is alive and
very much himself the EP of NED for OTs has been reached.

When this EP is reached then one will have achieved “CAUSE OVER LIFE”.


OT 8


Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex





This question has been the most plaguing one in Dianetics and Scientology.

This question has been the most plaguing one in history of Clearing.

The ONLY way a thetan ever gets into trouble, the ONLY way he can get trapped or
become part of a cluster is by mocking up and making pictures of bad experiences.

And why record all bad experiences? This too is not good sense.

One can explain it by saying that thetans become bored and have “a yearning for event or
excitement” or that thetans mock up pictures as an aberrated form of “havingness.” Other ways
can be invented to explain why thetans compulsively mock up bad pictures, but these do not
factually lead to a total solution to the compulsion.

The real reason stems from a basic characteristic of thetans and that is “a thetan never
totally gives up.”

There is, seemingly, a streak of resistance or resentment that makes a thetan wish to persist
in the same place or location. If he cannot, he will do so covertly.

The definition of “power” is “the ability to hold a position in space.” All power comes from
the ability to occupy a point. In an electrical generator the base that separates two terminals must
be firm or there will be no exchange of energy or power generated.

The effort to weaken a thetan is to make him relinquish his point in space. Covertly or
overtly a thetan seeks to assert his position in space. If he cannot do so overtly, he does so covertly
or mentally.

When a thetan is moved unwillingly from a point or position he even then refuses to give
up that point and begins MOCKS IT UP mentally. He also mocks up the events of his departure
as a part of the action of mocking up the point he is leaving. This, unwittingly, gives him a picture,
an engram.

Now let us see if this theory holds true in practice.

A. Just ahead of any engram there must be an effort to retain a position and there must
be a point or location thetan mocked up.
This is true. You can blow an engram without running it by spotting its first point
in space and time. In a secondary, “where did you first hear of the loss?” is a vital question.

B. In a contact assist getting a person to touch again the point where he was hurt with
what was hurt will blow the engram.
C. Getting a person to locate areas (locations) that are not safe produce blows of
engrams without running them.

D. Exact and accurate dating sometimes blows an engram. Those times when it does
not, it should blow when the location is exactly spotted.
E. Implants and traps were done mainly to keep Thetans out of an area. The Thetan,
resenting and resisting, mocks up the place anyway and so implants himself.
A thetan too easily substitutes a mental mock up for a point in the real universe.
One could also say that a thetan, by mocking up, warns himself against certain points in
space or areas in the physical universe.
Anxiety is solely not thetan able to be certain places and not thetan able to be where one
is, either.
Making people leave is the most unpopular action unless one also frees them to be
Transferring people is a degrading thing to do to them.
Jail denies a thetan all spaces except where he has been placed; note that thetans are made
very miserable in jail. Jailing is a sure way to make confirmed criminals and also to make them
crazy as well.

Any thetan, stuck in an engram, is asserting the effort to be at and hold the point where he
was hit at the beginning of that engram.
An engram therefore is a refusal to leave a place at which force was exerted to drive one
Reversely, one can refuse to be held at a place where one does not wish to be but this is a
negation of a place, a not-is of it and its time.
Power of choice over where one is and where one is not is thus a key to engrams.
Finally - a thetan mocks up because he covertly refuses to abandon a location under duress
and not-ises the place where he does not wish to be but must.
Using these facts one can blow engrams without running them.
Some sample questions:
“What point (location) is unsafe?”
“What location could you have held absolutely?”
“Where did you first get an intimation of danger?”
“What place would you rather not be in?”
“What effort would it take to hold (that) (a) location?”
Working with this you will see a door open to a higher level than Dianetic R3R. But realize
that it is only for a high level thetan.

Copyright (c) 1969 FOUNDER
By L. Ron Hubbard



OT 8






From recall this is a record of the full OT VIII procedure of the Church of
Scientology given on the Free Winds ship as delivered in 1991. Security there is very tight
with detectors at the doors so that no original data can be removed. This debrief is
something the Independent Field/Free Zone Scientology has been waiting many years to
see. It is not the original nor is it a perfect record but it is accurate and will get the result
if followed by a competent solo auditor who is flat on all earlier levels with all overts off.
The wording of the processes are exact to the best of my recall and the procedures are exact
for sure. Any differences are extremely minor (if at all). I spent several weeks reconstructing
all this from memory (needless to say I have an excellent memory as a result of the
rundown). I am breaking security as I disagree that this should only be released to an elite
in Scientology. I do, however, ask it not be released to psyches or “squirrels” or anyone
who will break the Independent Security Network and allow it to get back to the Church
of Scientology. It would be best if they do not find out that we have it. Please treat this
data responsibly. It is the key to the only truth possible.

The whole secret involves what truly is the relationship of the Supreme Being to
each individual thetan. To simply say it’s “me” is oversimplified to tears but has some
truth to it. The real key is the perception and ability to have full certainty and, therefore,
perception on all confusions and distortions of MEST and form and life units as well as
the ability to perceive exact identity and its full relationship to its true source and history
from its origin as the theta body, the true 8th Dynamic In order to truly view this as a
present time beingness one has to clean up, once and for all, his own confusions regarding
these points. The key is being flat on all earlier levels and being honest with self as to the
truth on each step of the rundown.

In doing this procedure one has to acknowledge the lie of time and persistance and
the lie of the illusion that MEST is solid and unchangable. Another key given is the fact
that a being can exist independent of time and present time and can choose any point on
the track as his present time. The PT body can confuse this, as attention to some degree
is always hung up on the PT body. This fixes the thetan into one present time and one time
stream when in fact there are many as you will discover.

Do not attempt this rundown if you are incomplete on any earlier level, incomplete
on or in need of “sec checks,” involved in any out ethics, PTS or involved in any pressing
PT situations that call your attention back to this present time. If you are in need of review
on any point above, get it before starting the rundown or it will miss and be meaningless
or wasted.

If your attention is in any way governed by OT 7 (NOTS) or earlier materials on OT
levels, this rundown will miss and be wasted. This also goes for out int. If int/ext is a
concern at all, get reviewed and flattened on OT 1 to 7 before attempting this rundown.

The techniques involve simple spotting techniques as in R2 processes or straightwire

Step One: Read and word clear Handbook for Preclears cover to cover.
Step Two: Do all steps and exercises in the above book and note reads on any
terminals or items [presumably these are used in review or higher levels
later]. Keep the ruds in.
Step Three: Listen to the History of Man tapes and star rate M4 the concepts in them
(The Time Track of Theta).
Step Four: Clear the definition of “truth” and clay demo it [Tech Dictionary].
Step Five: Clay demo the concept of the theta line branching out toward PT from the
“theta body” and how this inhibits exteriorization, ability, power and
perception of truth. Clay demo what will happen if someone did OT VIII
procedure who was not fully completed on OT VII (NOTS). Sort this out
from the above data.
Step Six: Define “know-point” in the Tech Dictionary.
Step Seven: Study the early Dianetic Auditor Bulletin on straightwire in Tech Volume
One. Study Creation of Human Ability references regarding spotting
objectively and subjectively. Demo “recall,” “spotting” and “return” and
how these differ.
Step Eight: This is the processing section which is done solo. Do not fall into running
pictures or incidents. In others words, do not use “recall” or “return,” use
“spot” only.
[1] Fly the ruds.
[2] Clear and false data strip “truth,” “identity,” “time,” “place,” “form” and
“event,” each to EP. Restudy the definitions in the Tech Dictionary.
[3] Clear and False Data Strip the “8th Dynamic,” “God,” “Infinity,” “self,”
anyone you have identified as a god and any other wording you may have
for the 8th dynamic.
[4] Valence split (Similarity/Difference process) each answer on the reading
questions below by alternately spotting differences and similarities between
self and the terminal to a blow accompanied by a small blowdown
F/N or larger.
[A] Spot a person or object in this L/T or on the backtrack you have identified
as or who represented the 8th Dynamic to you. Valence split to EP and then
recheck to an F/Ning question on call or thought. End the session for the
day and recheck to ensure it’s F/Ning the next day before continuing.
[B] Spot a person who looked/looks like you. Handle as above.
[C] Spot a person who looked/looks dissimilar to you. Handle as above.
[D] Spot a person who is how you wanted/want to be. Handle as above.


[E] Spot a person who is how you didn’t want to be. Handle as above.
[F] Spot a person who you’d never want to be. Handle as above.
[G] Spot a person who you want to be. Handle as above.
[H] Spot a person who you identify as self [me]. Handle as above.
End on major stable win on the subject of identity.
Step Nine: Run as above with Valence Splitting, etc.
[1] Ruds as needed
[2] Spot a being who is close in true identity to you.
[3] Spot a being who has the same experiences as you.
[4] Spot a being who solves things as you have.
[5] Spot a being you are or have been junior or subordinate to as a thetan or
in life.
[6] Spot a being who you are/have been senior to in life or as a thetan.
[7] Spot a person who postulates as you do.
[8] Spot a person who you postulate for.
[9] Spot a person who may have postulated for you.
[10] Spot the situation or problem each of the above beings has solved for you.
Get prior confusion to the first time ever and spot the first moment of the
first prior confusion.
End on major stable win on the subject audited; however, do Step 10
before proceeding.
Step Ten: Use alternate repetitive straightwire.
End on wins. End section when nothing reads anymore and you have a
major stable win.
[1] Spot a truth in self.
Spot a truth in others.
[2] Have another spot a truth in you.
Have another spot a truth in himself/herself.
[3] Spot a reality you have solved with a lie.
Spot a reality you have not solved with a lie.
[4] Spot a reality you have substituted for a truth.
Spot a reality you have substituted for a lie.
[5] Spot a reality another has substituted for a truth
Spot a reality another has substituted for a lie

Spot a reality you postulated for another.
What did it solve for you ?
What did it solve for him/her ?
Spot a reality another has postulated for you.
What did it solve for him/her?
What did it solve for you?
Have another spot a reality another has postulated in himself/herself.
What did it solve for him/her?
What did it solve for you?
Locate a reality you found safe.
Spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blowdown F/N or larger)
Locate a reality another found safe.
Spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blowdown F/N or larger)
Locate a reality another found safe for you.
Spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blow down F/N or larger)
Have the other person spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blow down
F/N or larger)
Locate a reality you have found safe for another.
Spot the truth about it. (to a blow small blow down F/N or larger)
Have the other person spot the truth about it. (to a blow, small blow down
F/N or larger)
Spot a reality you can create for yourself.
Postulate a truth for it.
Spot a reality you can create for another.
Postulate a truth for it.
Steps [16] to [19] are a bracket. Each set should blow down on the let go
step. End on a win, cog or big change and then do the next step.

Create a future for someone.
Place them in it.
Postulate some truth about it.
Now let go of it
Create a future for yourself.
Place yourself in it.
Place another in it.
Postulate some truth about it.
Now let go of it.
Recall a truth you agreed didn’t happen.
Spot the exact truth in it.
Spot any lie in it.
Now let go of it.

[19] Spot present time moving forward.
Notice thetans agreeing with it.
Spot any agreements you have with it.
Now let go of it.
Spot a different present time.
Notice thetans agreeing with it.
Spot any agreements you have with it.
Now let go of it.
Spot a different present time.
Notice thetans agreeing with it.
Spot any agreements you have with it.
Now let go of it.
(Repeat to a small blowdown; F/N, big win))
Step Eleven: Do all steps to full EP. End on all wins until persistent F/N dies down.
[A] Spot each portion of your theta that was abandoned.
[B] Spot each portion of your theta you asserted was not yours.
[C] Spot each portion of theta you asserted was yours that wasn’t.
[D] Spot your PT creations in this MEST universe.
[E] Spot PT creations that were not yours in this MEST universe.
[F] Spot any old creations that are hung up.
Spot the truth about these to a blow.
Note: Don’t concentrate on the untruths, just the truths.
[G] Spot yourself as a source for various things in this and other universes to
full certainty.
[H] Spot another 8th Dynamic creation as independent from yourself.
Spot where it is.
[I] Spot points where you have experienced joy or ecstacy in creating in this
lifetime and on the back track.
[J] Spot other beings you feel high ARC or love for.
Spot the truths in these beings. (each to a read F/N)
[K] Spot some theta you have created.
[L] Create some theta. Uncreate it. (to a read as it blows off however small it
Redo A to L above until the TA floats or a true unkillable persistent F/N
appears and you have had a revelation regarding truth or 8th Dynamic
creation. This is the end of OT VIII. Note: I wasn’t privy to any C/Singing
or review techniques or other EP data. Beyond this there is no confidential
EP to my knowledge.




The following materials relate to rundowns which are the exclusive province of
the Church of Scientology’s Flag Land Base.

To date, the original materials have note been liberated from this institution. What
is presented here are reconstructions of those materials by people who have trained and
delivered them before leaving that organisation.

In the absense of the original materials, the following are presented on an “as is”
basis and are used at your own discretion. No warranty is conferred or implied.

If the original materials should become available at a future date, a revision of this
volume will done to include them.


The “L” Rundowns



The L’s were developed as a result of research into the levels above OT VIII. The
success of the L’s is startling. These rundowns can handle things that are handled
nowhere else.

The breakthrough which exists here technically is so strong that it actually cuts
through the normal protective mechanisms of the mind. It came actually from the OT
Grades. It answers the question - Why does an OT restrain himself and cease to behave
as an OT?

Each rundown is designed to terminatedly handle a specific area of a person’s case.
The L’s are not grades in themselves but incredible boosters. The basic tech comes from
research into increasing OT powers. They’re a special class of rundown; they increase a
person’s power and effectiveness.

Part of the discovery was that this tech could be used lower down on the Bridge to
get people up it faster - very much faster.

The L’s address the basics of a thetan’s case directly. They undercut the reactive
mind and handle those factors which suppress the capacity to actually Do, Be and Have.
They remove those things that can make a person less himself and far less powerful and
causative as a thetan. These rundowns are designed to find and erase the basic counter
intentions along one’s dynamics. They stabilize a case.

The L’s require an expert to run them. The auditor’s TRs have to be perfect and there
is no room for flubs. So don’t audit these rundowns on a PC or PreOT until your auditing
is flawless.


In all the “L” Rundowns (L10, L11, and L12) the PC or PreOT is fully set up first
with a C/S 53 and GF40 expanded if needed.


The L type of assessment is Method 6.

Method 6 is addressed directly to the thetan, not to the bank. The auditor looks
directly at the pc and says the question or item. That bypasses bank protective mechanisms.

A question is asked as a question, going up in the end as in regular assessment TRs.

However, on most of the L rundowns we are assessing in a declarative manner.
Declarative is when one goes down in pitch rather than up at the end. Going through a list
of possible valences we would declare each one directly to the pc with full intention. We
are not asking, we are looking for a reaction on that item. Earlier M6 was done in an
accusative manner. That was later revised to be a declarative manner.


The Ls are intended to handle out-valence and evil purpose cases. We are handling
main areas of resistiveness that are stopping the person from expanding. On L10 we
handle the main valences that make him restrain his havingness. On L11 we handle evil
purposes that keep him from acting. On L12 we stabilize his certainty of being himself.
The 3 Ls roughly divide into Have (L10), Do (L11), and Be (L12).

Our main targets are past identities and evil purposes. We will gradually make the
person realize that they are not him and thereby free him from them.

The Ls are tailored to the individual. Every pc might not need all the steps, some pcs
need extra steps. Particularly L10 doesn’t have a fixed program, but contains a number
of different possible ways of getting items.


L 10

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Flag Only
Class X Only

Only a full Class X
may type or run off
L-10 lists or materials




NAME:____________________________DATE STARTED: ____________________

ORG: _____________________________DATE COMPLETED:_________________

This course ma be taught only in an official Org which is qualified and specifically
authorized to teach it.

Pre-requisite is successful completion and Internship of all levels up to and
including Class IX.

Full completion of this checksheet including the auditing requirements entitles the
student to the award of Class X Certificate.

Note: Students must be twinned in pairs. They remain twins for course study,
Method 2 Word Clearing and for co-audit of the L-10 processes to L10 completion.

The skills of a Class X Auditor lie in flubbless TRs, Two Way Comm, Metering,
Comm Cycle, understanding and application of the Overt Motivator Sequence, and
perfect assessments. Therefore this checksheet specifically covers these aspects before
the student begin the L-10 section itself. Other actions required in setting up a pc for L10
are fully covered in precious levels and are not part of this course.

This checksheet must be done in sequence, star-rated once through except Sections
7 & 8 (the actual L-10 materials) which are zero rated once through both sections and then
word cleared Method 2 then star-rated.


1. HCOPL 15 June 1970 Keeping Scientology Working _________
2. HCOPL 16 Apr 1965 The Hidden Data Line _________
3. HCOPL 19 Apr 1965 Ethics Training & Processing Regulations _________

4. HCOPL 27 May 1965
Processing _________
5. HCOPL 22 Nov 1967
Out Tech _________
6. HCOPL 23 July 1969
Auditor Assignment Policies _________
7. HCOPL 4 Feb 1970
PC Application for Major Actions _________
8. HCOB 4 Feb 1970
PC Application for Major Actions _________
9. HCOB 28 Apr 1971
Okays to Audit in HGCs _________
10. HCOPL 31 May 1968
Auditors _________
11. HCOPL 14 Oct 1968
The Auditors Code _________
12. HCOPL 2 Nov 1968
Additions to Auditors Code _________

1. HCOPL 1 July 1965
Ethics Chits _________
2. HCOPL 5 Apr 1965
The Basis of Insanity _________
3. HCOPL 7 Aug 1965
Suppressive Person, Main Characteristics of _________
HCOB 28 Jan 1966 S&D Data, How a Suppressive Becomes
One _________
5. HCOPL 1 Oct 1967
Uses of Orgs _________
HCOPL 27 Oct 1964 Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and
Potential Trouble Sources _________
HCOPL 26 Oct 1970 Institutional and Shock Cases
Posting of Bonds _________
HCOPL 16 May 1970 Institutional and Shock Cases
Petitions from _________
HCOPL 14 Dec 1970 Institutional and Shock Cases
Petitions from Legal _________
10. HCOPL 12 July 1971
Parent or Guardian Assent Forms _________

1. HCOB 23 May 1971 The Magic of the Comm Cycle _________
2. HCOB 23 May 1971 The Two Parts of Auditing
3. HCOB 23 May 1971 The Three Important Communication Lines _________

4. Demonstrate in Clay (a)
Itsa _________
The Itsa Maker Line _________
HCOB 23 May 1971 Comm Cycles Within the Auditing Cycle _________
HCOB 14 Aug 1963 Lecture Graphs _________
HCOB 5 Nov 1965 Lecture Graphs _________
HCOB 23 May 1971 The Communication Cycle in Auditing _________
9. Demonstrate in Clay (a)
Communication _________
The Auditing Comm Cycle _________
10. HCOB 23 May 1971 Auditor Failure to Understand _________
11. Demonstrate in Clay (a)
The Mechanisms of Invalidation _________
The Mechanics of Evaluation _________
12. HCOB 23 May 1971 Premature Acknowledgements _________
13. HCOB 5 Feb 1966 Letting the PC Itsa
14. Demonstrate in Clay
(a) What happens if the auditor lets
the pc talk on and on _________
Premature Acknowledgement and
what causes it _________
15. HCOB 23 May 1971 Comm Cycle Additives
16. HCOB 23 May 1971 Recognition of Rightness of the Being _________
17. HCOB 8 Mar 1962 The Bad Auditor
18. HCOB 12 Feb 1966 The Dangerous Auditor
19. HCOB 4 Aug 1963 E-Meter Errors: Comm Cycle Error _________
20. HCOB 1 Oct 1963 How to Get Tone Arm Action _________
21. HCOB 8 Oct 1963 How to Get TA, Analysing Auditing _________
22. HCOB 25 Nov 1963 Dirty Needle
23. HCOB 3 Aug 1965 Auditing Goofs, Blowdown Interruption _________
24. Demonstrate in Clay (a) What makes the TA move _________
(b) What causes a dirty needle _________
25. HCOB 25 June 1970 Fishing a Realization _________


26. HCOB 10 July 1970
27. HCOB 3 July 1970
28. HCOB 6 Nov 1964
29. HCOB 30 Apr 1969

1. 27 July 1954
2. 6 Oct 1954
3. 22 Oct 1954
4. 1 Nov 1954
5. 29 Nov 1954
6. 14 Aug 1963
7. 15 Aug 1963
8. 20 Aug 1963
9. 21 Aug 1963
10. 16 Oct 1963
11. Demonstrate in Clay

1. HCOB 17 Apr 1961
2. HCOB 16 June 1971
3. HCOB 7 May 1968
4. HCOB 16 Nov 1965
5. HCOB 12 Jan 1959
6. HCOB 26 Apr 1971
7. HCOB 20 Feb 1970
2-Way Comm - A Class III Action _________
C/Sing 2 Way Comm _________
Styles of Auditing _________
Auditor Trust _________

Two Way Comm and the PTP _________
Two Way Comm _________
Two Way Comm _________
Two Way Comm _________
Two Way Comm _________
Auditing Tips _________
The Tone Arm _________
The Itsa Line _________
The Itsa Line _________
The Itsa Maker Line _________

(a) The Mechanics of Two Way Comm _________
(b) Over restimulation _________
(c) Under restimulation _________
Training Drills Modernized _________
Rapid Tr - 2 _________
Upper Indoc TRs _________
Commands for Upper Indoc TRs _________
Tone of Voice - Acknowledgement _________
TRs and Cognitions _________
Floating Needles and End Phenomena _________

TR - 0 _________ TR - 4 _________
TR - 1 _________ TR - 6 _________
TR - 2 _________ TR - 7 _________
TR - 2 RAPID _________ TR - 8 _________
TR - 3 _________ TR - 9 _________


1. HCOB 1 Nov 1968
Overt - Motivator Definitions _________
2. Demonstrate in Clay
(a) An Overt _________
(b) A Motivator
3. HCOB 18 Dec 1957
Psychosis, Neurosis, and Psychiatrists _________
4. HCOB 17 May 1958
Beingness Again _________
HCOB 17 Dec 1958 Basic Postulate of Overt Motivator
Sequence _________
6. HCOB 7 May 1959
New Process theory _________
7. HCOB 23 Dec 1959
Responsibility _________
8. HCOB 21 Jan 1960
Justification _________
9. Demonstrate in Clay
(a) Withhold _________
(b) The Overt Motivator Sequence _________
(c) The Mechanics of Justification _________
10. HCOB 4 Feb 1960
Theory of Responsibility Processing _________
HCOB 4 Feb 1960 Overt Manifestations on a Low Toned
Case _________
12. HCOB 18 Feb 1960
How to Run O/W and Responsibility _________
13. Demonstrate in Clay
(a) Responsibility _________
(b) Why a thetan restrains himself _________
(c) How O/W works
14. HCOB 25 Feb 1960
Scientology Can Have a Group Win _________

15. HCOB 9 June 1960 The Basic Assumptions
16. Demonstrate in Clay (a) The mechanics of Out - of - Valence _________
17. HCOB 13 Aug 1962 Rockslams and Dirty Needles _________
18. HCOB 7 Dec 1964 PTPs, Overts and ARC Breaks _________
19. HCOB 4 Apr 1965 ARC Breaks and Missed Withholds _________
20. HCOB 29 Sept 1965 The Continuous Overt Act
21. HCOB 30 June 1967 Evidences of an Aberrated Area _________
22. HCOB 6 June 1969 Prediction and Consequences _________
23. HCOB 31 Dec 1959 Blow offs
24. HCOB 31 Jan 1970
Withhold, Other Peoples _________

1. 6001C01 SMC - 1
Opening Lecture _________
2. 6001C01 SMC - 2
Responsibility _________
3. 6001C01 SMC - 3
Overts and Withholds _________
4. 6001C02 SMC - 4
A 3rd Dynamic in Scientology _________
5. 6001C02 SMC - 5
Marriage _________
6. 6001C02 SMC - 6
Group Processing _________
7. 6001C03 SMC - 7
Zones of Control, Rsponsibility _________
8. 6001C03 SMC - 8
Create and Confront _________
9. 6001C03 SMC - 9
Your Case _________
10. 6102C09
Illness, Insanity and Axiom 2 _________
6102C10 Procedure, Duplication and What People
Do _________
12. 6102C16
Machinery and Games Thetans Play _________
13. Write and essay on relationship of O/W sequence to Insanity,
Valences and Cause Level _________


1. HCOB 26 Oct 1970
Obnosis and the Tone Scale _________
HCOB 19 June 1970 C/S Series No. 8
Chart of Human Evaluation _________
3. Chart
Chart of Human Evaluation _________
4. HCOB 18 Sept 1971
Scales _________
5. HCOB 25 Sept 1971
Tone Scale in Full _________
6. HCOB 29 July 1964
Good Indicators at Lower Levels _________
7. HCOB 26 Apr 1969
Bad Indicators _________
8. HCOB 28 Feb 1959
Analysis of Cases _________
9. Demonstrate in Clay
How auditing affects Tone Level _________
Drill: Walk around the Org. Observe and talk briefly to 10 people individually.
Spot their tone levels and note down their manerisms and characteristics by which
you ascertained their levels.

1. E - Meter Essentials Section F, The Needle
2. HCOB 14 Jan 1963 Rings Causing Rock Slams
3. HCOB 21 Jan 1964 Breath and Body Action
4. HCOB 5 Oct 1968 ARC Break Needle
5. HCOB 7 Oct 1968 ARC Break Needle
6. HCOB 28 Feb 1971 Meter Reading Items
7. HCOB 14 Mar 1971 F/N Everything
8. HCOB 23 May 1971 Metering
9. HCOB 24 Oct 1971 False TA
10. HCOB 10 Dec 1965 E-Meter Coaching
11. HCOB 16 June 1971 Advanced E-Meter Drills

E-METER DRILLS (per Book of E Meter Drills)
EM Drill 11 ________ EM Drill 12 _________
EM Drill 13 ________ EM Drill 14 _________
EM Drill 15 ________ EM Drill 16 _________
EM Drill 17 ________ EM Drill 18 _________
EM Drill 19 ________ EM Drill 20 _________
EM Drill 21 ________ EM Drill 23 _________
EM Drill 24 ________ EM Drill 27 _________
Advanced E Meter Drill No. 2 (Per HCOB 16 June 1971 _________


1. HCOB 22 Jan 1971
The Fabulous L-10 _________
HCOB 25 Mar 1971 Re: Auditing Requisite of Auditors
Auditing L10 _________
3. HCOB 13 Aug 1971
L10 Training Prerequisites _________
4. HCOB 19 July 1971
C/S Series 52 Internes _________
HCOB 25 Mar 1971 L10 Prerequisites.
Setting Up a Pc for L10s _________
6. HCOB 27 Sept 1966
The Anti Social Personality _________
7. HCOB 28 Nov 1970
Psychosis _________
8. HCOB 17 Sept 1971
Data for Class X _________
9. HCOB 17 July 1971
C/S Series 51 Out Of Valence _________
10. Demonstrate in Clay
(a) Psychosis _________
The Anti Social Personality _________
How an SP Becomes One _________
11. HCOB 10 May 1971
F/N Style _________
12. Demonstrate in Clay
(a) What Stops an F/N _________
What Happens if Each Item is Not
Taken to F/N in L10 _________
13. HCOB 18 Sept 1971
L10 Style Assessment _________

14. Demonstrate in Clay (a)
L10 Style assessment _________
15. HCOB 11 May 1971
L10 Slows _________
Demonstrate in Clay (a) The effect of L10 on an improperly
set up case _________
(b) The effect of slow TR-2 in L10 _________
(c) The mechanics of a lie
(d) The effect of auditing over an evil life _________
17. HCOB 25 June 1971
Major L10 Errors _________
18. HCOB 25 June 1971
L10 General Notes _________
HCOB 25 Mar 1971 How to Extract Items for O/Ws
from L10 W/S _________
20. HCOB 17 Sept 1971
L10 Repowered O/W Commands _________
21. HCOB 11 May 1971R
Evil Lives _________
22. HCOB 22 Sept 1966
Clear and OT _________
23. HCOB 2 Aug 1971
The State of Clear and OT _________
24. HCOB 22 June 1971
End Phenomena of L10s _________
WORD CLEARING Word Clear Method 2 on all HCOBs
in this Section _________
26. Demonstrate in Clay (a)
What is acheived by L10 _________
NOTE: The student should have completed his own L10 as a case before proceeding with
section eight.


( The materials of this section constitute the “L10 Pack” one of which is issued for each

1. HCOB 27 June 1971R
L10 Checklist _________
Important Note _________
Instruction Sheet _________
Applicant for L10 Form _________

6. HCOB 27 Mar 1971
7. HCOB 14 Sept 1971
8. HCOB 26 June 1971R
9. HCOB 14 Sept 1971
10. HCOB 8 Feb 1971
11. HCOB 18 Jan 1971
12. HCOB 19 Jan 1971
13. HCOB 18 Sept 1971
14. HCOB 20 Jan 1971
15. HCOB 30 Nov 1971
16. HCOB 15 Sept 1971
17. HCOB 15 Sept 1971
18. HCOB 15 Sept 1971
19. HCOB 1 Feb 1971
20. HCOB 7 Feb 1971
21. HCOB 27 June 1971
22. HCOB 27 June 1971
23. HCOB 28 Dec 1970
24. HCOB 27 June 1971
25. HCOB 15 Sept 1971
26. HCOB 26 June 1971
Auditor C/S Attest Form _________
Considerations Rundown _________
Two Way Comm C/Ses for L10 _________
Full Lie Rundown _________
L10 Program Assessment _________
L10 PA Handling Sheet _________
L10 1 Motivator List _________
L10 2 Overt List _________
E/Purpose General _________
L10 Others To Others _________
L10 LTA Omission List _________
E/Purpose Multiple C/S _________
Greatest O/M RD C/S _________
Enemy R/D Multiple C/S _________
L10 2D 1 and 2 _________
L10 G Group Approach L10 _________
MEST RD Lists _________
MEST RD Lists _________
L10 Result Assessment _________
L10 RA Handling Sheet _________
Special C/S for L10 RA 33 _________
The Connections List _________
Final Instructions _________

28. Word Clear Method 2 on the materials of this section _________

DRILLS: (Per HCOB 23 Oct 1971 L10 Drills)

1. TR X-1 (a) 2W/C ____ 2. TR X-2 (a) L10 Style Assessment ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
3. TR X-3 (a) 6W O/W ____ 4. TR X-4 (a) Consideration R/D ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
5. TR X-5 (a) Lie R/D ____ 6. TR X-6 (a) L10 PA ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
7. TR X-7 (a) L10 Lists ____ 8. TR X-8 (a) L10 LTA ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
9. TR X-9 (a) L10 2D 2 ____ 10. TR X-10 (a) E/Purp ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
11. TR X-11 (a) E/Purp Mul ____ 12. TR X-12 (a) Enemy R/D ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
13. TR X-13 (a) Great O/M ____ 14. TR X-14 (a) Life R/D ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
15. TR X-15 (a) MEST R/D ____ 16. TR X-16 (a) Connections R/D ____
(b) ____ (b) ____
17. TR X-17 (a) E/Purp Mul ____
(b) L10 RA ____

A thorough knowledge of all the materials of this course is essential to the C/Sing of
L10. In addition, the following are relevant.

1. HCOB 23 Aug 1971 Auditors Rights _________
2. HCOB 16 June 1970 What the C/S is Doing _________
3. HCOB 19 June 1970 Chart of Human Evaluation _________
4. HCOB 3 July 1970 C/Sing 2W/C _________

5. HCOB 21 Aug 1970
6. HCOB 26 Aug 1970
7. HCOB 8 Oct 1970
8. HCOB 28 Nov 1970
9. HCOB 28 Feb 1971
10. HCOB 6 Mar 1971
11. HCOB 31 Mar 1971
12. HCOB 26 May 1971
13. HCOB 21 Oct 1971
14. HCOB 9 June 1971
15. HCOB 19 June 1971
16. HCOB 19 June 1971
17. HCOB 20 June 1971
18. HCOB 17 July 1971
19. HCOB 29 Mar 1970
Session Grading _________
Session Grading _________
Persistent F/N _________
Psychosis _________
Metering Reading Items _________
Long C/Ses _________
Programming & Misprogramming _________
Mixing Major Actions _________
Intensive Programs _________
Complete Cycles _________
C/S Rules _________
Declares _________
The Supreme Test of a C/S _________
Out of Valence _________
Auditing and Ethics _________

I attest that I have completed the above checksheet and that I understand and can
apply the materials:



Student has passed L10 written exam 100%

(Student Examiner)

LRH: ojr; rs
Copyright © 1971
By L. Ron Hubbard

L 10

L10 is designed to handle the things a thetan uses to restrain himself. The person
regains his ability and power to do those things he intends to do and as a result he feels
more at cause than ever before. L10 is an action that really releases a person’s power on
the third and fourth dynamic. It takes off the stops that hold a person back on these

L10 will boost the individual’s confront and responsibility level and consequently
raise his doingness level.

PREREQUISITES: L10 is not restricted to only those who have completed OT III.
The only prerequisites to L10 are a complete NED Drug R/D and Expanded Grades. It
may not be done in the Non-interference Zone between Grade VI R6EW and OTIII.

Note - All assessing is done M-6 (the L10 method of assessing a list). You look at
the PC or PreOT and give him directly every item or question on the list. (Tape recording

L10 EP

Freedom from self-restraint. His reach (havingness) is increased.


0) Handle any identities the pc is assuming when he goes into session. Any fixed
valences he uses to be audited with.
1) 2WC for areas the pc has difficulty with or terminals he has trouble handling.
2) Get an identity or terminal associated with the area. The way we do that depends on
the pc’s reality. On a higher level pc we can ask for identities that would represent
the area, for lower level pc we might just ask for an identity associated with the area.
Use whatever concept that communicates best: Identity, Valence, Character,
Beingness, etc. If pc lists we would go to a BD F/N item. “Who or What would have
___?” can be used. If pc gives “Me” as an identity: get it translated into a description
of the identity. If it isn’t possible, use “Me” in the steps anyway.
3) O/Ws on item:
1. “What has a ____ done?”
2. “What has a ____ withheld?”
We do this to unburden the item so that we can get to the basic purpose of it.
4) L&N for basic purpose / basic intention of the item:
“What is the basic purpose or intention of _____?”
Date to blow / Locate to blow this purpose if evil.


5) If not completely handled / still some attention on the identity, 2wc or L&N:
“What identity would oppose (the item)?”
Same handle: 3)-5). May have to continue opposing each identity until handled.
6) On heavily charged terminals or opposing terminals one can do Quad O/Ws,
Quad Ruds, and Can’t Have, Enforced Have steps - as needed.
7) The 2WC in 1) is taken to F/N and flat. Pc may have many identities in the area
8) Many other methods can be used to get valences. The standard L10 RDs can be
used as well as others, e.g. LX lists.
1) L10 Prior Assessment (P.A.):A list of potentially charged dynamics/areas from
which to tailor and develop or C/S L10 O/W questions/lists
2) M6 assess then 2WC E/S to F/N, find intention behind
L10 M1 List of motivators (general)
M2 List of overts (general)
L10 2D 1) 2nd dynamic motivators
2) 2nd dynamic overts
L10 Group O/W on all flows 0-4
MEST/LIFE RD: O/Ws on 5+6 dynamics
3) Considerations RD:
4) Connections RD: (Questions designed to get aberrated connections terminals/
dynamics ... Expanded dynamics list, take reading items 2WC to F/N)
5) Enemy RD: I - L&N “Who do you consider an enemy” (handled all flows)
II - O/W item
III - E/Purp had + Date/Locate to blow.
6) Greatest Overt: L&N “What was the greatest overt you committed on the Whole
Track?” ... D/L + do FL0-4
7) E/Purp Multiple: (See ExDN pack in Vols.) “What evil purpose have you had
towards another?”
8) Lie RD: L&N “What was your greatest lie on the Whole Track?”
9) L10 RA (Results Assessment):


M6 Assess an expanded dynamics list like the one below.
Get considerations about each reading item. Look for service facs and evil purposes,
ways he is resisting the item.
Date/Locate any evil purposes found.
Expanded Dynamics List (symbiotes & items on dynamics)

1D, Self:
thetan individuality identity mental machinery
a mind a skill tool clothing
career identification human body parts brain
body cells car house
food meals vehicle decorations
certificates diplomas body organs viewpoints
a habit appetite ego urge to survive as individual
auditing hobby medicine self improvement
study book ornament grooming
personal hygiene self expression health product
GE job paycheck

2D, Sex & Family:
food preparation duplication child sex
genital penis vagina sperm
ovum semen conception childhood
mother farther matriarch patriarch
son daughter intercourse family
home desire virility impotence
a marriage seduction urge to procreate sexual pleasure
sexual sensation courting feminity masculinity
pregnancy birth babies breasts
contraceptives homosexuality bisexuality sexual practices
rape promiscuity VD relatives
family ties incest mother’s milk abortion
prenatal influence mating nurturing
menstruation infatuation sexual love sibling

3D, Group:
club flag insignia meeting place
uniform rank the state members
membership law rules corporation
agreement team a race team mates
constitution constituency politics leaders
followers morals commandments policy
admin organization org board orders
school education exchange military
police prison criminal mores
language urge to join war government
democracy tyranny aristocracy collective


4D, Mankind:
commerce human species ecology development of space
space travel world travel genocide exploration
human race brotherhood united nations world organization
world trade confederations world citizenship league of nations
esperanto world health world treaties international agreements
human rights world systems world communication urge to act in concert
free trade global contract world government human dignity
common man

5D, Life Forms:
plant animal primate body
bird reptile fish cell
virus biology embryo egg
organic form seed insect
mollush lichen protozoa organs
tissue bloom chlorofil protein
amino acids RNA DNA genes
garden harvest pets ecology
pollution extraterrestrials aliens urge to survive as life form
life energy fertilizer nutrients urge to improve life forms
photon converter bacteria elan vital

wavelength object mass atom
molecule quanta particle smoke
clouds time space a dimension
form gravity force light
fluids chemicals mineral rock
earth planet star plasma
air galaxy solar system physical universe
shape size elements direction
vector ridge beam explosion
implosion subatomic particles electricity density
compounds vacuum mixtures weather
tendency to persist condense wind fire
water location

7D, Spirit:
aesthetic wave value ghost spirit
art object beauty the occult magic
voodoo mediums masters symmetry
logic creative urge sublimation ambiguity
poetry theory idea theta
OT virtue architecture literature
essay writing imagination mathematics
evil courage goodness purity
own universe astral body ectoplasm telepathy
telekinesis metaphysics ethics justice
philosophy immortality freedom free will
nobility style urge to create

8D, Infinity:
religion worship goddesses profanity
priest guru avatar sacrifice
omnipotence omnipressence gods deity
divinity sublime essence immanence radiance
grace infinite potentiality hymn blasphemy
demon trancendence church prayer
religious practice rites absolute co-existence of static
basic truth as-isness miracles divine healing
faith belief idols sacred texts
gospels sutras parables urge to ultimate truth
self trancendence sacred teachings heaven hell
devil angel paradise wrath of God
godlike states

Another way of getting items on the dynamics:
L&N for each dynamic:
Who or what (W/W) represents the (Dynamic) ?

W/W would represent the (Dynamic) ?
For example:

W/W represents the first dynamic? LF

Item: an engineer LFBD F/N

Write down PCs answer and note all reads. R-factor to PC that his answer will be

used to prepare and tailor the next steps in the RD
Repeat for all the other dynamics.



a) L10 M1 List of Motivators} done in one session to avoid

} restim by
M2 List of Overts } unflat O/M sequence.

Use prepared lists of motivators * and overts plus Qs constructed from preassessment

Handling: M6 assess then 2WC ES to F/N if read.

On heavily charged Q: ask

“What would be the intention behind someone who would e.g. punish
someone? L/N then D/L Intention


On heavily charged Overt: L&N for Intention then D/L.

b) Same as above for dynamics 2-6. Ref: L10 outline.

Use general compilations of various sec check lists (e.g. Whole Track, Children etc
rephrased as O/M)
Possible Questions:

Is the 2D something to stay away from?
Have you been made to feel inadequate sexually?
Have you been made wrong for loving someone?
Have you desired someone and not won them over?
Was there someone that insisted you were at fault in the 2D?
Has a 2D partner used anger to get their way?
Have you been stopped on the 2D?
Has a 2D partner forced you into something you don’t want?
Have you gone along with a 2D when you knew it was wrong?
Have you conceded a major point on the 2D when you shouldn’t have?
Have you left a 2D for no good reason?
Have you harmed a 2D?
Have you withheld your true intentions to a 2D?
Does some destructive impulse get in the way of your 2D happiness?
Are you ruled by an evil intention when it comes to the 2D?
Do you have hostility to the opposite sex?
Is there an evil intention that is blunted on the 2D?
Is ther something you want to do and shouldn’t on the 2D?
Has cruelty been a part of your past on the 2D?

20. Is there a past life 2D partner you have ruined?
21. Is ther a past life partner that you have suppressed?
22. Have you stopped another 2D?
23. Is there some reason for hurting another in the 2D?
24. Does some consideration make what you do on the 2D right no matter what?
25. Have you been afraid to reveal something on the 2D?
26. Do you withhold your real purposes on the 2D?
27. Has the 2D been a source of revenge for you?
28. Are you proud of some overt on the 2D?
29. Is the 2D something to stop?
30. Is the 2D not worth it?
31. Are women better left alone?
32. Has a destructive impulse been missed on the 2D?

1. Have you been ousted from a group for no good reason?
2. Have you had a group make you out to be a failure when you weren’t
3. Was a group determined to stop ;you?
4. Was a group threatening to you?
5. Was a group invalidating your initiative?
6. Has any group failed to better you?
7. Have you gone along with the wishes of a group when it was wrong?
8. Have you taken on a group purpose that was destructive?
9. Have you sided with a traitor of a group?
10. Have you been an agent against a group that turned out to be worthwhile?
11. Is there a group that you sided with that did in a lot of people?
12. Have you been a member of a group whose intent was to harm?
13. Have you been in a group that chose to hate some part of mankind?
14. Is there a group you were in that aided only the rich and influential?
15. Is there a group that you have actually worked against?
16. Have you broken up a group through sabotage?
17. Have you played two groups against each other?
18. Have you been a destructive source in a group?
19. Have you had the impulse to do away with any group?
20. Have you let a group die off?
21. Have you spied on a group and ruined it?
22. Is there a hidden distrust of anyone in a group?
23. Do you hide an evil intention while in a group activity?
24. Have you ever failed with a purpose to harm any group?
25. Has a leader been you enemy?28.


1. Are your possessions your own?
2. Have you been bought off with possessions?
3. Have you let things decay?
4. Has MEST been your enemy?
5. Have you stolen things?
6. Have you been destructive to another’s belongings?
7. Have you intentionally hurt an object?
8. Have you used energy to dictate to others?
9. Have you used MEST to do something evil?
10. Is there an impulse to do something to MEST?
11. Have you grabbed another’s space?
12. Have you destroyed an aesthetic creation?
13. Have you failed to control a harmful intention with energy?
14. Have you let time dictate to you?
15. Have you created something that harmed a lot of people?
16. Has an object of yours been used for destructive purposes?
17. Have you created something with an intent to use it for destruction?
18. Have you had to restrict yourself in your pursuit of possession?
19. Has a destructive impulse gotten in the way of your pursuit for material wealth?
20. Has a destructive impulse towards MEST been missed?
Comm Enforcements

1. Have you enforced comm on another?
2. Has comm been enforced on you?
3. Has your affinity been inhibited?
4. Have you blunted another’s affinity?
5. Have you enforced your reality on another?
6. Has another enforced reality on you?
7. Have you been indoctrinated into thinking a certain way?
8. Have you insisted another have your views?
9. Have you been made to do things you didn’t want?
10. Have you forced antoher to do something against his own will?
11. Have you been made to be something you didn’t want to be?
12. Have you forced another to act in a certain way?
13. Have you been forced on an object you didn’t want?
14. Have you made someone own something they didn’t want?
15. Have you been made to lie?
16. Have you made another distort the truth?

17. Have you gotten your own way by force?
18. Have you inhibited another by beingness?
19. Have you had your identity inhibited by someone?
20. Has an identity been enforced on you?
21. Have you made someone be where they didn’t want to be?
22. Have you been put somewhere you didn’t want to be?
23. Have you been made to know something?
24. Have you enforced data on someone else?
25. Has responsibility been forced on you?
26. Have you made another be responsible?
27. Have you had your comm inhibited?
28. Have you inhibited another’s comm?
29. Have you had your comm refused?
30. Have you refused another’s comm?
31. Have you been party to false affinity?
32. Has someone been false with their affinity to yoiu?
33. Have you received false affinity?
34. Have you had your reality inhibited?
35. Have you inhibited another’s reality?
36. Have you refused another’s reality?
37. Has you reality been refused?
38. Has someone falsified your reality?
39. Have you made another’s reality look false?
Another Sec Check

1. Do you lie about yourself?
2. Do you suppress yourself in some way?
3. Do you suppress life?
4. Do you connect yourself with bad influences?
5. Do you connect up with bad memories?
6. Is there some connection you wont let go of?
7. Do you always act in a certain way?
8. Do you own your loyalty to no one?
9. Are you doing yourself in?
10. Do you ant to or intend to do yourself in?
11. Are you on a succumb?
12. Do you wish to succumb?
13. Do you plan to let yourself go unrestrained?
14. Have you ever sought revenge on your family?
15. Have you ever done a family member in?

16. Have you made someone in your family guilty?
17. Have you ever brutalized another with sex?
18. Is sex destructive?
19. Is love harmful?
20. Are you best left alone?
21. Is rape justifiable?
22. Do you hold the opposite sex in contempt?
23. Are women stupid?
24. Do you lie about sex?
25. Do you have a secret desire to annihilate the opposite sex?
26. Is violence justifiable on a woman?
27. Are you implanted to feel a certain way about sex?
28. Do you have a dirty mind?
29. Are groups worthwhile?
30. Is there a leader you’ve done in?
31. Do you have a secret hatred towards groups?
32. Are you desirous of a group’s support?
33. Have you let any group die off?
34. Are groups better left to followers?
35. Are you spied on?
36. Is someone after you?
37. Do you have an evil impulse towards any group?
38. How long should any group last?
39. What makes a group fail?
40. Do you plan to seed the growth of unrest in any group?
41. Do you judge people by race?
42. Are certain religions harmful?
43. Is there any race you have it in for?
44. Does it pay to be destructive?
45. How powerful do ;you have to be to be successful?
46. What connection is sacred?
47. What part of mankind is harmful?
48. Have you justified a destruction of a race?
49. ARe other people necessary?
50. Is there some object you are connected with?
51. Is there a certain time period you dwell upon?
52. Is there something your energy is absorbed in?
53. Is there a space you are forbidden in?
54. Are spirits evil?
55. Is your spirituality threatened?
56. Are spirits overpowering?
57. Have you squashed a thetan out of existence?

58. Has your existence been questioned?
59. Have you lost out to a body?
60. Do you seek revenge against a spirit or thetan?
61. Are you a traitor?
62. Is your cause lost?
63. Do you intend to create havoc?
64. Is life worth living?
65. Are people better off dead?
66. What makes people insane?
67. Why are people suspicious?
68. Is there a past life that was a failure?
69. Is there a past life that was important?
70. Is there a past life that you can’t talk about?
71. Is there a past life that was evil?
72. What past life was critical?
73. What past life was suspicious?
74. Are you facing eternity with lack of hope?
75. Is eternity a dreaded matter?
76. What would move you to violence?
77. What motivates mankind?
78. Are you motivated by any impulse?
79. Why do people hate?
80. Is your survival dependent on an outside source?
81. Is your destiny decided by someone else?
82. Should you be punished forever?
83. Will all be the same?
84. How can you be stopped?
85. How can you be made nothing of?
86. Is there hope for man?
87. Has this all been run on someone else?
88. Are you waiting for something magical to happen?
89. Have you decided it was a waste?
90. Do you intend to make trouble after the auditing?



1. Have you ever denied yourself an opportunity?
2. Is there something you haven’t let yourself have?
3. Have you ever deliberately made someone think badly of you?
4. Have you ever made someone punish you?
5. Have you ever distrusted yourself?
6. Have you ever made yourself sick?
7. Have you ever deliberately hurt yourself?
8. What haven’t you let yourself do?
9. Have you ever considered anything to be “Much too good for you”?
10. Have you ever hated yourself?
Have you ever decided you were unworthy of your friends?
12. Have you ever prevented yourself from accomplishing something?
13. What haven’t you let yourself feel?
14. What haven’t you let yourself think?
15. Have you ever restrained yourself from a desired sexual experience?
Is there anything you won’t let yourself eat?
What won’t you let yourself see?
18. What won’t you let yourself understand?
19. Have you ever attempted suicide?
20. Have you ever misused a body part?
21. Have you ever punished yourself?
22. Have you ever lied to yourself?
23. Have you ever failed to care for a body part?

2ND DYNAMIC (Family)

1. Have you ever been a disturbing element in a family?
2. Have you ever joined a family out of revenge?
3. Have you ever disowned a member of your family?
4. Have you ever gotten a relative into trouble?
5. Have you ever worked against your family?
6. Have you ever badly raised a child?
7. Have you failed to provide for a child of yours?
8. Have you ever split up a family?
9. Have you ever had a bastard?
10. Have you ever passed off a bastard as legitimate?
11. Have you ever claimed a blood-relationship you didn’t have ?
12. Have you ever forced a child into an unsuitable profession?
13. Have you ever forced a child into a loveless marriage?
14. Have you ever interfered with an inheritance?
15. Have you ever had a member of your family incarcerated?
16. Have you ever had an abortion?
17. Have you ever exposed an infant?
18. Have you ever physically injured a relative?
19. Have you neglected your child’s education?
20. Have you caused hostile factions within a family?
21. Have you ever lived parasitically on your family?

1. Have you ever sexually aroused someone and then not satisfied him (her)?
2. Have you ever been sexually aroused by an object?
3. Have you ever aroused another sexually with an object?
4. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong age?
5. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong sex?
6. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong class?
7. Have you ever made love to a person of the wrong race?
8. Have you ever made love to a creature of the wrong species?
9. Have you ever made love to someone who belonged to another?
10. Have you ever taught another perverted sexual practices?
11. Have you ever invented perverted sexual practices?
12. Have you ever used sex unethically?
13. Have you ever made love to a person you disliked?
14. Have you ever used the wrong body part for intercourse?
15. Have you ever caused someone to be castrated?
16. Have you ever made someone’s body more exciting by warping or distorting it?
17. Have you ever raped anyone?
18. Have you ever failed to have intercourse with someone you should have?
19. Have you ever had sex with a member of your own family?
20. Have you ever made love to a person of your own sex?
21. Is there anything about your sex life that would be unsafe to reveal?
22. Have you ever misused sex?
23. Have you ever withheld sex?
24. Have you ever stood up a date?


1. Have you ever joined a group without being qualified?
2. Have you ever given a group less than you received from it?
3. Have you ever split a group into factions?
4. Have you ever perverted the purpose of a group?
5. Have you ever made a group too dependent on you, and then left?
6. Have you ever belonged to a secret society?
7. Have you ever gone over to the other side?
8. Have you ever been an informer?
9. Have you ever brought your group into disrepute?
10. Have you ever weakened your group?
11. Have you ever been a spy?
12. Have you ever been a double agent?
13. Have you ever permitted your group to be wiped out?
14. Have you ever joined a group you considered bad?
15. Have you ever given a group bad leadership?
16. Have you ever given a group bad service?
17. Have you ever provided badly for your group?
18. Have you ever made your side lose?
19. Have you ever injured the survival of a fellow group member?
20. Have you ever enturbulated a group?
21. Have you ever done anything to a group?
22. Have you ever destroyed or reduced the survival of your own group?

Have you ever treated a member of your species like an animal?
a machine?
2. Have you ever made territory uninhabitable?
3. Have you ever resigned from the human race?
4. Have you ever pretended to be a human being?
5. Have you ever done anything to keep mankind from uniting?
6. Have you ever tried to exterminate a species?
7. Have you ever pretended to be a member of a different species?
8. Have you ever denied a species a place to live?
9. Have you ever prevented a species form reproducing?
10. Have you ever perverted the purpose of a species?
11. Have you ever kept your own species ignorant?
12. Have you ever eaten a member of your own species?
13. Have you tried to start a war among your own species?
14. Is there anything you’ve done to a species that would be unsafe for you to reveal?


Have you ever treated living creatures like objects?
2. Have you ever damaged crops?
3. Have you ever used bad breeding stock?
4. Have you ever eliminated good breeding stock?
5. Have you ever crippled or killed living creatures for fun?
6. Have you ever cut down trees without replanting?
7. Have you ever let weeds take over cultivated areas?
8. Have you ever failed to fertilize crops?
Have you failed to provide water for livestock?
10. Have you ever put life forms to strange uses?
11. Have you ever polluted water sources?
12. Have you ever killed off a useful species faster than it could breed?
13. Have you ever abused a living creature?
14. Have you ever castrated or spayed domestic animals?
15. Have you ever bred warped life forms?
16. What life forms have you eaten?
17. What life forms have you fed to other life forms?
18. Have you ever kept a life form in an unsuitable environment?
19. Have you ever destroyed other life forms?

1. Have you ever failed to maintain a machine properly?
Have you ever destroyed a useful object?
beautiful object?
3. Have you ever hid an object?
4. Have you ever made harmful combinations of matter?
Have you ever wasted metals?
inorganic materials?
Have you ever misused a tool?
7. Have you ever forgotten how to build something?
8. Have you ever perverted the use of a scientific discovery?
9. Have you ever built something destructive?
10. Have you ever built something that didn’t work?
11. Have you ever made an ugly “work of art”?
12. Have you ever put things too far apart?
13. Have you ever put things too close together?
14. Have you ever made a location a mystery?
15. Have you ever misplaced something in time?
16. Have you ever forgotten a place?
17. Have you ever made an object mysterious?
18. Have you ever made something vanish?
19. Have you ever made something imperceptible?
20. Have you ever misapplied energy?


Have you ever denied the existence of Beings?
Have you ever made people believe they weren’t Beings?
Have you ever persuaded others some thoughts are bad?
Have you ever made a Being believe he was evil?
Have you ever made another forget?
Have you ever forced a beingness on another?
Have you ever made another believe he was somewhere else?
Have you ever made another believe he was in a different time?
Have you ever made another believe he was someone else?
Have you ever confused another’s memory?
Have you ever persuaded another there were things he must resist?
Have you ever prevented another from perceiving?
Have you ever prevented another from being something?
Have you ever convinced another his postulates didn’t work?
Have you ever made another experience something he didn’t wish to?
Have you ever convinced another that he was weak?
Have you ever convinced another that he was incompetent?
Have you ever convinced another that he was insane?
Have you ever convinced another that he was stupid?
Have you ever convinced another that he was dishonorable?
Have you ever driven another insane?
Have you ever enslaved another?

Have you ever doubted the truth of your religion?
Have you ever desecrated a holy place?
sacred object?
Have you ever disobeyed God’s commandments?
Have you ever failed to perform your religious duties?
Have you ever neglected an opportunity to save a sinner?
Have you ever been disrespectful to a holy person?
Have you ever compromised your religious convictions?
Have you ever attacked a religion?
Have you ever tolerated a bad religion?
Have you ever perverted a religion?
Have you thought evil thoughts?
Have you ever concealed (denied) your religion?
Have you ever changed your religion?
Have you ever committed a sin?
Have you ever convinced others that some things are unknowable?
Have you ever convinced another that there were effects
he couldn’t create?
Have you ever convinced another there were places he couldn’t be?
Have you ever convinced another that there were Beings with whom he couldn’t
Have you ever convinced another that some things cannot be communicated?
Have you ever convinced another there were places he couldn’t leave?
Have you ever persuaded another that he never created anything?


This part of the L10 Rundown consists of 43 L&N actions to be listed per the laws
of listing and nulling to a BD F/N item. They are done in the order listed. On the purpose/
intention list, if you get VVGIs BD F/N and major case cognition or valence shift, that’s
it on that step. If it goes to BD F/N VGIs, not a real blow out, then run the item R3RA quad
or run recall on it or D/L for a PreOT at OTIII or above. This rundown undercuts OTIII
and NOTS. It breaks up a case in a very subtle fashion. Be sure not to audit over a persistent
F/N. You may only be able to do one list each session. This blows off beings, valences,
overwhelm, confusion and increases reach vastly.

The basic L&N questions are:

Who or What (W/W) was (Item from list) ?


Who or What would have been (Item from list) ?


What past identity was (Item from list) ?


What past identity would have been (Item from list) ?

Use the question which communicates best to the PC or PreOT and gives the biggest

Item List

Note - All assessing is done M6 (the L10 method of assessing a list). You look at the PC
or PreOT and ask him directly every item or question on the list. (7106C12)

1) L&N for past identities, e.g. “What past identity was critical?”
2) O/W item
3) Ev/purp had?
4) D/L e/purp

Run to major win.

1. Critical 16. Shy 31. Enchanting
2. Unappreciative 17. Venomous 32. Wicked
3. Disliked things 18. Sneaky 33. Fascinating
4. Refused to understand 19. Timid 34. Mysterious
5. Loving 20. Perverted 35. Pretentious
6. Liked things 21. Unwell 36. Helpless
7. Understanding 22. Evil 37. Cowardly
8. Sympathetic 23. Indefinite 38. Dirty
9. Excited 24. Laughable 39. Cunning
10. Enthusiastic 25. Magical 40. Disobedient
11. Griefy 26. Cruel 41. Oppressive
12. Miserly 27. Blood thirsty 42. Overpowering
13. Unable to perceive 28. Drunken 43. Weak
14. Sick 29. Hungry
15. Victimized 30. Treacherous


Use or frame Qs designed to get aberrated (charged) connections to terminals and
dynamics. Find most charged dynamic on X-dynamics list, then find reading item on list.

2WC * to F/N:

How are you connected to _____?
How does _____ influence you?

Run to major cog or win.

* 2WC: reactions, attitudes, feelings, prompters, considerations, itsa E/S itsa.
1) L&N “Who do you consider an enemy?”
2) O/W on item
3) E/purp had + D/L to blow
(Run on Flows 0-4)
1) L&N “What was the greatest overt you committed on the Whole Track?”
2) D/L to blow.
3) Flows 0-4
(See XDN in Volumes)
1) L&N “What evil purpose have you had towards another?”
2) D/L to blow
3) Run Flows 0-4
1) L&N “What was the greatest lie you told on the Whole Track?”
2) D/L to blow
3) Run Flows 0-4


(for checking EPs on earlier rundowns)

The following questions are assessed M6 and taken to EP:

0) Am I here?
1) Are you here?
2) Have we run all this on somebody else?
3) Why should you be punished forever?
4) Are you afraid you’ll just go home and it will all be the same?
5) Are you waiting for something magical to happen?
6) Are you still part of something awful?
7) Are you too hideous to exist?
8) Are you afraid you’ll go on killing people?
9) Have we left some dead energy unhandled?
10) Are there still dead thetans around?
11) Just waiting to put it all back?
12) Escaped and still hidden?
13) Waiting to get loose?
14) What would happen if you changed?
15) Is there hope for man?
16) How can you be stopped?

L10 Low TA Assessment may be used at this point if case requires it or if C/Sed.

Use list of terminals from folder.

Assess on rises (blow ups) handle with itsa E/S itsa + consequences after each.



This correction list can be used on any of the L Rundowns to correct any errors,
debug any bogs or repair any of the steps or rundowns. Handling steps are not given with
each line on the list since it is assumed that at this level of auditing the auditor will know
the correct and standard handling of each and every line. The list can assessed method
3 or method 5 depending on the situation. For PreOTs handle per instructions for handling
listing on PreOTs. The auditor can switch to more specialized correction lists such as the
L4BRA, NOTS 24, etc. as needed.

1. DID YOU GO EXTERIOR? __________
2. OUT INT? __________
4. OUT-LIST? __________
10. HAVE WE FOUND A WRONG AREA? __________
12. HAVE WE FOUND A WRONG DATE? __________
13. MISOWNERSHIP OF ITEM? __________
14. OVERRUN AN ITEM? __________
20. WAS IT NOT YOUR OVERT? __________
24. HAVE WE GONE PAST A BIG WIN? __________
33. DID YOU HAVE A LOSS OF GAIN? __________


L 11


L11, The New Life Rundown was developed to give a person a new life. This means
it can handle that part of an individual’s case which stops him from really living. It handles
the major source of aberration upon which attention is fixed, blasting apart that major
personal stumbling block.

The EP of L11 is a New Life.

PREREQUISITES: L11 (formerly L9S) is not restricted to only those who have
completed OT III. The only prerequisites to L11 are a complete Drug R/D and Expanded
Grades. It may not be done in the Non-interference Zone between Grade VI, R6EW and

In all the “L” Rundowns (L10, L11, and L12) the PC or PreOT is fully set up first
with a C/S 53 and GF40 expanded if needed.

1) Justifications HCOB
a) M9 W/C bulletin
b) PC writes essay on how it applies to him.
2) Full 37R RD to F/Ning list
3) D/L Implant ‘To Harm’ to blow.
General O/W .. If E/Purp comes off run O/W to blow.
4) L&N “What evil purpose do you have?”
D/L E/Purp to blow
5) L9S
6) Nature of Man
2WC “the character of man” to F/N


1) PC reads the HCOB entitled “Justification”.
2) M9 W/C bulletin
3) PC writes essay on how it applies to him.

37R RD

Do the full 37R Rundown as given in C/S Series 37R.
Items from 37R Rundown L&N lists can be blown by D/L if needed.
End at F/Ning list.


1) Date/Locate implant “TO HARM” to Blow.
2) General O/W .. If E/Purp comes off run O/W to blow.



1) L&N: “What Evil Purpose do you have?”
2) D/L to Blow


The list of words below is called M6 to the PC; on each the PC gives back a response.

E.g. PUNISH!! “It would be necessary on a naughty child.” Next, L&N word incorporating
“Who or What would find it necessary to punish a naughty child?” .....
“A Brave Dog”

Terminal is then handled to blow per L-type handling. The list is taken to Major Cog
and F/Ning list.

Punish Degrade Deflower Obliterate Preen
Avenge Pander Prostitute Sodomize Brutalize
Kill Drain Defame Scavenge Propagandize
Torture Secrete Fornicate Execute Incinerate
Pillage Interrogate Slander Begrime Provoke
Annihilate Dissect Deviate Plagiarize Vandalize
Subvert Defoliate Profane Wallow Suborn
Seduce Molest Imprison Immolate Deceive
Exhaust Pervert Charm Indulge Destabilize
Restrain Cannibalize Renege Engorge Conceal
Immobilize Decimate Starve Expunge Pollute
Entrap Hypnotize Sack Confuse Sacrifice
Enthrall Dessert Impoverish Savour Bugger
Extinguish Attack Blind Gloat Flagellate
Ensnare Sting Deface Arrogate Spy
Trick Warp Depose Remove Peep
Envelop Horrify Expel Distrust Demoralize
Benumb Obliterate Desecrate Sympathize Embalm
Tantalize Dismember Exploit Indoctrinate Electrocute
Enslave Cheat Ravage Randomize Abominate
Assassinate Conquer Tear Overwhelm Secrete
Nullify Devastate Impale Supplant Despoil
Explode Implode Distort Negate Revolt
Injure Mutilate Retard Grasp Bully
Infect Undermine Restrain Pillory Manipulate
Feast Hassle Abuse Habituate Leach
Program Torment Belittle Loaf Mutilate
Tyrannize Disgust Lie Inflame Excoriate
Hoard Offend Hunt Cripple Con
Terrorize Vivisect Invade Gobble Prey
Castrate Vanquish Sacrifice Vilify Debunk


Two Way Comm “the character of Man” to EP.


L 12

L 12

The intention behind L12 is to make a fully extroverted and stable thetan. This
rundown aims at handling very basic and specific aspects of a person’s beingness. Here
are those case things which tend to capture part of the person’s attention so he has much
less of it to put on life and doingness.

The person experiences certainty and unshakability as a being with the ability to
handle his own universe.

PREREQUISITES: L12 is not restricted to only those who have completed OT III.
The only prerequisites to L12 are a complete Drug R/D and Expanded Grades. It may not
be done in the Non-interference Zone between Grade VI, R6EW and OT III.

In all the “L” Rundowns (L10, L11, and L12) the PC or PreOT is fully set up first
with a C/S 53 and GF40 expanded if needed.


1) Cluster Handling
2) 3S&Ds
3) Bqn character list
4) Beams Handling
5) OCA Handling (if needed)
6) Management Words
7) Admin Scale
8) Group Sanity
9) Simon Bolivar Policy



1) Have PC or PreOT locate a “pressure * area” that reads on the meter. (Vary ‘
In and around’ to ‘Far away’)
2) Get the location of the pressure area relative to the body.
3) Have the PC or PreOT put and hold his/her attention on the pressure area.
4) Assess the “L12 Type of Incident” list to the first reading item and indicate this
to the PC/PreOT.

Accident Electrical
Impact Explosion
Injury Implosion
Illness Shot
Drug Psychiatric
Shock Lightning
Implant Vacuum
Heat Radiation
Burning Collision
Crash Hit
Freezing Struck

5) Date to blow / Locate to blow the incident found.

Find out if completely blown, and if not, repeat 4 and 5 until pressure area is
completely blown.

Note - If OTIII PreOT, complete any remaining BTs with OTIII procedure. If NOTS
PreOT, complete any remaining BTs with NOTs procedure.

* Could be also ‘hollow spot’, chronic somatics, ‘emptiness’, any persisting sensation.

Assess the subject of the group M6. The word is called or shouted very accusatively
with the auditor looking directly into the PC’s eyes. The meter read is noted. This word
is called to restimulate the group; then the other items of the group are asked as questions
M5. The identities of one group are handled in order of size of read. Then continue on with
the next group, etc. When the whole list is handled, reassess from the beginning and
handle each item as it comes up, reassess from the beginning and handle each item as it
comes up, taking slowed or checked F/Ns as reads. Handle to persistent F/N on the whole
list. Check at the end of each group if any beingness that was restimulated by the
accusative identity was not on the list.

Handle each reading item “Who or What was a _____?”
L&N, then O/W to blow.

HERMIT!!! _____
Hermit? _____
Recluse? _____
Ascetic? _____
Victim? _____
Non-conformist? _____
Martyr? _____
Puritan? _____
Human Sacrifice? _____
Self Immolator? _____
Outcast? _____
A HORSE!!! _____
A Horse? _____
A Lioness? _____
A Leprechaun? _____
A Wild Thing? _____
A Fire Spirit? _____
Dragon? _____
Gremlin? _____
An Imp? _____
A Tinker? _____
A Goat? _____
UNICORN!!! _____
Unicorn? _____
Forest Spirit? _____
Fairy? _____
Gnome? _____
Nymph? _____
Water Sprite? _____
Faun? _____
Sylvan? _____
Mermaid? _____
Chimera? _____
Bloodsucker? _____
Vampire? _____
Ghoul? _____
Dismemberer? _____
Predator? _____
Parasite? _____
Leech? _____
Cannibal? _____
Vulture? _____
Cut-throat? _____


ANIMAL!!! _____
Animal? _____
Dog? _____
Cat? _____
Fish? _____
Lizard? _____
Serpent? _____
Pig? _____
Elephant? _____
Cow? _____
Tiger? _____

ROBOT!!! _____
Robot? _____
Hypnotic? _____
Believer? _____
Follower? _____
Servant? _____
Devotee? _____
Convert? _____
Worshipper? _____
Attendant? _____
Henchman? _____

The Almighty? _____
The Ever Present? _____
A Goddess? _____
A God? _____
The Eternal Mother? _____
The Father of All? _____
The Horned God? _____
Pan? _____
Diana? _____
The Buddha? _____

SORCERER!!! _____
Sorcerer? _____
Witch? _____
Warlock? _____
Enchanter? _____
Wizard? _____
Occultist? _____
Alchemist? _____
Clairvoyant? _____
Weird Sisters? _____
Astrologer? _____



The Evil One?
An Incubus?
The Powers of Darkness
A Succubus?
The Antichrist?
The Beast?
His Satanic Majesty?
The Devil?
An Unclean Spirit?
Shades of the Dead?

A Newborn Babe?







GENIUS!!! _____
Genius? _____
Wonder Worker? _____
Planet Builder? _____
Prodigy? _____
Spirit of the Age? _____
Master Mind? _____
Shining Light? _____
Mentor? _____
Thaumaturge? _____
The All Seeing? _____

PERVERT!!! _____
Pervert? _____
Sadist? _____
Masochist? _____
Homosexual? _____
Bugger? _____
Pederast? _____
Exhibitionist? _____
Voyeur? _____
Deviant? _____
Peculiar Boddied? _____

CRIPPLE!!! _____
Cripple? _____
Invalid? _____
Paralytic? _____
Dwarf? _____
Monster? _____
Incompetent? _____
Curiosity? _____
Cross-breed? _____
Half Caste? _____
Hermaphrodite? _____

LIAR!!! _____
Liar? _____
Fake? _____
Bragger? _____
Doubter? _____
Heretic? _____
Quack? _____
Wretch? _____
Viper? _____
Defaulter? _____
Hypocrite? _____

DESTROYER!!! _____
Destroyer? _____
Spy? _____
Executioner? _____
Embezzler? _____
Betrayer? _____
Racketeer? _____
Extortionist? _____
Tyrant? _____
Murderer? _____
Pyromaniac? _____
INSECT!!! _____
Insect? _____
Parasite? _____
Invader? _____
Bee? _____
Fly? _____
Caterpillar? _____
Butterfly? _____
Spider? _____
Scorpion? _____
Hornet? _____
Philosopher? _____
Researcher? _____
Analyst? _____
Physicist? _____
Technician? _____
Metaphysician? _____
Healer? _____
Geometrician? _____
Arithmetician? _____
Historian? _____
PRIEST!!! _____
Priest? _____
Holy Father? _____
Holy Mother? _____
Temple Virgin? _____
Choir Boy? _____
Chaplain? _____
Temple Prostitute? _____
Prophet? _____
Lama? _____
Confessor? _____


A BIRD!!! _____
A Bird? _____
An Eagle? _____
A Parrot? _____
A Wren? _____
A Hawk? _____
A Messenger? _____
A Forerunner? _____
An Oracle? _____
A Dove? _____
A Swallow? _____

ARTIST!!! _____
Artist? _____
Virtuoso? _____
Thespian? _____
Master Musician? _____
Grand Composer? _____
Wandering Minstrel? _____
Chorister? _____
Dancer? _____
Entertainer? _____
Poet? _____

HEDONIST!!! _____
Hedonist? _____
Fornicator? _____
Glutton? _____
Masturbator? _____
Bigamist? _____
Adulterer? _____
Satyr? _____
Impotent? _____
A True Love? _____
Whoremonger? _____

PEASANT!!! _____
Peasant? _____
Civilian? _____
Husband? _____
Wife? _____
Gentleman? _____
Layman? _____
Mortal? _____
Parishioner? _____
Serf? _____
Slave? _____


Method One:

1) Ask PC/PreOT, “Do you have any beams stuck to yourself or the body?”
(only PT lifetime body)
2) If yes, have him locate a reading beam stuck to himself or the body. Have pOT
‘Smooth out the Beam’.
3) Who has beamed you? L&N to a terminal.
4) Smooth out rough edge of Beam from _(Item)_ X to blow.
5) If a troublesome terminal by folder inspection:
“Has _(terminal)_ beamed you?”. Smooth out beam to blow.
6) D/L the incident when it was put there, if no blow.
7) Repeat until “no more beams”.

Method Two:

PC/PreOT is shown the definition of a BEAM:
“A flow of electricity with teeth and rough edges.”

The definition is illustrated with a picture of a BODY being beamed by another
person, the beam being hooked into the body by teeth like a circular saw blade or
fish hooks. Add R-factor of glands as special targets.


Go over the PC/PreOT’s OCA.

Take each negative area trait and make up a listing question. For example:
“critical”. The basic L&N questions are:

Who or What (W/W) was _(Item from OCA)_?
W/W would have been _(Item from OCA)_?
What past identity was _(Item from OCA)_?
What past identity would have been _(Item from OCA)_?

Use the question which communicates best to the PC or PreOT and gives the biggest

Clear the L&N question with the word to be used such as:

W/W was critical? LF

List and Null to one item such as: “a cranky maid” LFBD F/N

Take the next negative point trait off the OCA list and repeat procedure. End off this
step on a major case change, valence shift and/or ability gained with VVGIs, Floating TA
and Cognition.


Clear and False Data Strip the following words from Org Series 15, Management
Series, page 213 and 214. Be sure to get the root meaning of the word.

A Company A Board of Directors

Management Policy

Top Management Programs

Targets Orders

Technology Know-How

Org Board Post

Hat Cope

Purposes Organize

Duties A Checksheet

A Checklist A Comm Channel

A Command Channel A Relay Point

A Stable Terminal Double Hatted

A Product Aberration



Word Clear:


Admin Scale


Each word on the Admin Scale not already cleared previously.

2 way comm PC/PreOT in the area of his/her first three dynamics to find some high
interest reading areas.

2 way comm each reading area up and down the Admin Scale.

Admin Scale

Ideal Scene
Valuable Final Product

“The scale is worked up and worked down until it is (each item) in full agreement
with the remaining items”



Clear each word in the scale from HCOPL 14 December 1970 Org Series 19
GROUP SANITY. Have PC/PreOT read this HCOPL.

2 way comm each of the 11 points and how each one applies to his life/relationship(s)/
business to a major cognition.


Send PC/PreOT to Qual to read and check out on HCOPL 12 February 67 THE
RESPONSIBILITIES OF LEADERS or have him read it in session.

2 way comm “Supporting the powers you depend on” to a major cognition.




The NVRD was designed originally to handle long-term out-of-valence or suppressed

It is essentially based on the observation that PTSness is a problem, and that
PTSness comes about through an exchange of valence.

An individual goes PTS to someone who is a problem to hlm, to the point that the
valence of that individual seems to overwhelm the person’s own beingness.

There is an effect created here known as the “dumbbell phenomenon”. A dumbbell
is an exercise device with two large weighted ends on a handle. One could perceive the
valence of the PTS (his own valence) and that of his suppressor (the valence he tends to
go into) as opposite ends of a dumbbell. One can perceive a pc flick into his own valence
when the antagonistic valence is blown. This could be described as the dumbbell suddenly

It must be remembered that it is not the actual valence of the suppressor that the
person goes into, but the valence the PTS perceives. Whether this is what the suppressor
is normally like, or is like now, the fact remains that the PTS was overwhelmed by a flow
from that person at some point.

Oddly enough, the PTS who is out-of-valence will perceive his own personality
traits as being those of the one with whom he has swapped valences — the other end of
the dumbbell.

A young girl who is essentially being cooperative and accommodating is overwhelmed
by her nasty, irascible, argumentative stepmother. She assumes the characteristics
which seemed to win over her and becomes fractious, irascible, and argumentative.

If you were to ask her who was the most accommodating, cooperative person she
ever knew she might easily answer, “My stepmother”. After a moment’s reflection she
might then realize, “Wait! My stepmother wasn’t accommodating at all! She was the most
irascible person I ever met!” This would be an example of the dumbbell of own-valence
versus perceived-valence now swinging around to a correct perception from the pc’s own
valence .

The access to this central point on the case is through using a gradient of 2 Way
Communications, Rudiments, and R3RA.



The opening 2WC technique used was simply to thoroughly clear the definition of
problem — including beingness-counter beingness — as described in the tech dictionary.
With this whole concept clearly understood, a 2WC Quad on Problems was used to locate
hot terminals.

“Tell me about people who have caused you problems in life”

“Tell me about people whom you have caused problems in life”

“Tell me about people who have caused others problems in life”

“Tell me about times you caused yourself problems in life”

Each would be TWC’d to cog FN VGIs, and careful note would be made of
terminals who read, and with what read.

These terminals would be culled between sessions and put on a hot terminals list in
the front cover of the folder.

Quad Ruds would be run on hot terminals found and these ruds would uncover hot
incidents. These would be noted with their reads on a separate sheet as hot incidents.
These engrams or secondary engrams would then be run R3RA as narratives.


A second type of TWC was done in pairs, and was based on characteristics or
personality traits dramatized by the individual.

These were done as dichotomies, with the negative side of the dichotomy being
2WCd first. For example one has a PC who is constantly showing characteristics of being
hopeless, apathetic, or lethargic. A typical pair of 2WCs might go:

“Tell me about people you’ve known who were lethargic”

“Tell me about people you’ve known who were very active”

followed by this pair:

“Tell me about people you’ve known who were hopeless and apathetic”

“Tell me about people who were optimistic and confident”

The point is that the two-way comms pick up the personality trait the pc is
dramatizing, and two way comms for people who have had that trait. It can be any
characteristic. General doingnesses could also be included as these are traits of a valence
in some degree — e.g., “helped others” vs. “did others in” or “had a high sense of ethics”
versus “had a negative ethics level”.

The idea here is to use aspects of beingness as a lead to hot terminals.

Cull the hot terminals and do ruds on them and the pc will drop into hot incidents.

These are then run and the result of doing this with intelligence and accuracy is a
swing back into own valence.


Since you are dealing with the perceived valence of the person versus the perceived
valence of his/her suppressor you can also do TWCs of this sort in order to find material
that leads you into the hot incidents:

“Tell me some things about yourself you don’t like”

“Tell me some things about yourself you like best”

(Note: these are two separate TWCs, not alternate commands.)

Similar TWCs can be designed which follow the basic principle of taking personality
traits and using them to lead you to hot terminals who might be the basic valence mass
at the other end of the “dumbbell”.


The rundown has two major types of cognitions, and both of them should occur
before the rundown is declared complete.

The first is a realization that the person is himself. Some statement that adds up to
“I’m me!” will occur if the rundown is done correctly.

The second will be an awareness that the person is here, aware of the present
environment, or “I’m here!”. These two cognitions are natural results of undoing the
dumbbell phenomena.


As this is a major action you should have the person’s ruds in and he should not be
in the middle of other major actions.

Note, too, that in order to apply these principles intelligently you have to understand
the anatomy of valence-counter valence or the problem aspect to suppression.

A long series of problems with mother may be enough to restimulate a valence shift
even though mother did not beat the pc or knock him/her unconscious. But the constant
locks can restimulate earlier engramic masses which will contain overwhelm.

These get picked up and run on the earlier similar chains that come up in the actions

When the hot incidents which keep the pc pinned into the dumbbell are lifted and
erased, the dumbbell will snap around and the pc will be looking at the world through his/
her own viewpoint again for a change. This brings about the “I’m here” “I’m me”
cognitions which signal the end phenomena of the rundown having occurred.

There has been no pilot for administering this rundown on Clears or above as far as
I know. The rundown was researched by LRH in 1975, prior to “Dianetics Forbidden on
Clears and OTs”. It is paralleled in some respects by Step 15 of the NED for OTs RD.

It has had spectacular results on many cases. There have been some cases it did not
have spectacular results on, for various reasons. Usually these were cases being audited
after Clear in error, or cases with other by-passed charge not repaired such as list errors
or PT overts or other our ruds, or were XDN type cases and were not effect as much as
they were contra-survival cause. The NVRD might not resolve this aspect of case (CS
Series 22 cases).





Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Class IV Grad


Revivification is the bringing back to life of an engram in which a preclear is stuck.
The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclear. It
is called a revivification because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than
present time has ever been. He relives that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or
remember it.

This is not the same thing as the “returning” to an incident or engram that is
employed in Dianetic auditing. Return is the method of retaining the body and the
awareness of the subject in present time while he is told to go back to a certain incident.
Revivification is the reliving of an incident or a portion of it as if it were happening now.

This phenomenon can occur in a pc during the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.
(Ref: HCOB 24 Sep 78R, Iss 1. Int RD Series 4R. THE END OF ENDLESS INT REPAIR

The pc, being run on Recalls on Int, will often begin by recalling locks but these can trigger
into full play an engram in which he may be stuck and the pc may go into a revivification
of it. He will actually be answering and acting from the point or points, down the track
where he has been stuck.

Should this happen the auditor simply continues to run the process and get the pc
through it. As the pc revivifies he blows through these stuck points on his track and comes
out of them, newly, and is now truly in present time.

As revivification is apt to occur on the End of Endless Int Repair, auditors must
understand and be able to recognize the phenomena and handle it routinely with excellent
TRs when it does.

Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



Advanced Courses


ACS Auditors

NED for OTs Series 21



During NED for OTs research I discovered that beings do not just reviv in time.
They also reviv in location. You can have a guy totally reviv’d in time, he’s stuck down
the track in an incident which is PT for him. Anything which he views, is viewed from
this point in time. It is when he is.

A being can also be in a reviv in place or location. That is where he is. Everything
he views is viewed from that location, that viewpoint in space. They’re “buttered all over
the universe”. A BT can think of himself as up there, looking down at himself. A totally
wrong viewpoint. He’s in a reviv and everything he does is from a stuck viewpoint, so he’s
operating with a stuck spacial point of view. Say the guy is reviv’d in Flanders, everything
he does is from the viewpoint in Flanders - even tries to look at himself (now) from
Flanders. He’s operating in PT from some place down the track.


Thought disassociation follows a point of view pattern. to you from an altered point
of view, so you get disassociated thought. Say he’s in a reviv of location, in a radar station
in space. You ask him “Where are the books?” - he looks at a radar screen and says
“They’re going away”.

I know a case who had an accident. She thought she left the body and went to a
between lives implant and returned to the body. But there has been no between lives
implant in that place for eons! What happened is, she was reviv’d in a between lives
implant. She had the accident and went exterior, she thought she went to this between lives
implant because that’s the location she was reviv’d in.

This is a matter of old fixed viewpoints in spacial locations. You can often cure a
case with the process “Where would you be safe?” He might go through a heavy reviv on
the process and he might “do a bunk” - going back to his last point of view, locationThat’s
why D/L works. You blow that point on Locate step. It’s when and where they are, as
they’re not in PT.


That is where he is “safe”, that’s Thought Disassociation, and that’s small pictures

-because he’s in the picture, looking at the picture.
These are the mechanics of the Bright Think Rundown (Disassociation process)which
can be run on anybody. Running it is not part of NED for OTs as it is a separate RD.


This is a different phenomenon from Thought Disassociation and spacial reviv.

He looks at that wall, and because it’s not safe to look at the wall, he makes a picture
of the wall and brings the picture back to him and looks at the picture of the wall. He’s
so far south he can’t confront anything that’s in front of him. You tell him to look at the
window, he sort of reaches out to the window with a beam or something, makes a picture
of it, and pulls the picture back up to him, looks at it and tells you the window has bars
on it. This case requires objectives until it’s safe to look at something and perceive it.

Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Class IV Grad


A Process to Handle Disassociation

Apparently, during the last decade, a new factor has entered into the culture that was
previously only rare, possibly due to lowered educational standards or the declining
nature of the culture itself, but most probably due to one of the common drugs or
medicines or even food deficiencies. A percentage which was only one or two has jumped
up to eighty or ninety.

This factor is visible in a decline in the ability to tell differences, similarities and

In trying to train a person or get him to live a more survival type life, the
establishment officer is encountering this factor.

There is a similar instance of this when drugs first moved into the scene. Before the
mid-60’s drugs were never much of a factor in processing and such cases were considered
rare and then only as a result of medical treatments.

Suddenly I has on my hands a case that did not behave like a case. The TA went out
the roof unexpectedly, with no apparent cause and the case wouldn’t EP. I went into a sort
out on what was different on this case from other cases. It was marijuana. Once we had
run out the marijuana the case behaved like a normal case. I was suddenly looking at a
rising percentage of such cases, which to date, through the kindness of psychology and
psychiatry, had risen to a majority of cases in society.

So here we go again. Some new factor apparently has entered into the society and
has risen in a percent which is so high that it will get in the road of anyone trying to get
the show on the road.

The factor can be called “Disassociation”.

We have here a marvellous new process — The Bright Think Rundown. Powerfully
simple, it requires and auditor who is well-steeled against the temptation to Q and A and
who is able to run a process through whatever it turns on.

It was originally designed as a remedy for Theetie Weetie cases, but has proven
enormously successful as well with cases who disassociate.


This is the person who associates not A and B, but A and O. Not apples and bananas
but apples and typewriters. You make a statement and he bends it over to something that
has nothing to do with the price of fish.

He is very hard to direct because alter-is enters into it. In fact, an alter-is could be
a manifestation of being disassociated.

Things which are different, he conceives to be identical. Things which are similar
he conceives to be widely different. Things which are identical he conceives to be only

This case will mess up or complicate just about any order or communication by
bringing in carloads of data which have absolutley nothing to do with it. This is because
he mis-identifies and cannot evaluate differences in time, location, form, composition, or
importance. He is lost in his own figure-figure and facsimilies, sometimes universes

The new discovery is that he is back on the time track in locations very remote from
where he is. It is not that he is stuck on the track where he is, but is stuck on the track
elsewhere, often eons ago.

This is the reason Date/Locate works. It has to be in that order. You have to date
it and then locate it because the location is never in now.

The auditor who runs it and the C/S who C/S’s it have to have a full command of
the subject of “revivication”.

Revivication is the bringing back to life of a engram in which a preclear is stuck. The
engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclear. It is
called revivication because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than present
time has ever been. He re-live that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or
remember it.

This means that the person moves into a back point of time totally. He gives certain
manifestations when he does this, these can be various. They always are visible to the
auditor. The trick in processing is to keep running the process until the pc comes out of
it just as though nothing had happened.

As the process is run expect the pc to answer from points down the track where he
has been stuck. These arethe points he operates from while apparently in PT. Expect
engrams to appear, with revivication occuring as they are contacted and blown. As the
pc re-lives these incidents, he will come out of them, newly, and this time truly in present
time. And with a new viewpoint.

Anaten, somatics, abrupt shifts of tone level, heat, agitated physical motion are all
quite likely to occur as these points are run off, as the pc is actually revivifying at each
heavy point. You just keep running the process with good TRs and metering.

The auditor must ensure the pc is fully sessionable before starting the Rundown, and
once started, must get the pc through the phenomena which occur as the pc revivifies and
blows through the stuck points on his track. The pc’s answers will signify to the auditor
precisely what is occurring. It is vital not to Q and A with these “symptoms” as they come


Here is your C/S for the Bright Think Rundown.


“Where would you be safe?”

Repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs (and pc in PT of course).

The end phenomena of the process is a realisation by the pc that he’s really in present
time. This EP is normally expressed with some variation of the statement “I’m Here!”
This EP must not be caoxed by the auditor asking “Are you here yet?” and the pc must
not be fed the cognition.

As the process is run the pc will spot places that are nearby and then places that are
far away. The spots he’d spot are near, then far, then near, then far, sometimes a few near
and then a few far and then a few near. If the pc does not do this then you know he is not
doing the process.

You will find up to 20% of your pc’s give simply glib answers and experience no
change. This pc is answering the question in some particular and outrageous way. If you
give him a D of P Interview on exacly how he was answering the question, you will find
he was using some oddball system disassociated from the process. (The fourth American
ACC tapes discuss this.) The way to handle this pc is objectives as he is too far out of it
to handle a concept and is basically operating off a system. Before you can spot places
in the universe you have to have a universe, right?

The main errors an auditor can make are a failure to carry on the process when
something peculiar happens and failure to notice a true EP has been reached.

On the failed case (the 20% noted above), when objectives have honestly been
completed, you can then run the process with great benefits, but be sure the pc is up to
answering the question.

You will get some remarkable changes. Some major wins.

Copyright © 1978
By L. Ron Hubbard






Super Power Rundown Series 0

The following is a list of materials which should make up a checksheet for students
learning to apply the Super Power Rundown materials. This background material means
it is vital to understand the full theory of the basics of restoring infinite powers to a being.



Super Power Rundown Series 1

The first action of beingness is to assume a viewpoint. Before one can know he is
below confusion, he usually has to realize that he is in a condition of no-condition.

Power is the ability to hold a position in space. The first action of creating space is
to assume a point from which to view that space. When a viewpoint has been knocked
around down through the time track by forces he believes have affected him, he tends to
lose his ability to maintain a position in space.

A being can assume the viewpoint of the first dynamic and attempt to take on all the
other dynamics, which eventually overwhelms him. To get a being rehabilitated into the
position of being able to operate at cause on all the dynamics, it is first necessary to get
him into a condition of being.

Therefore, the first action one takes in running the Super Power processes is to have
the person find a viewpoint.

The first command is:

“Find a viewpoint.”

This is run to F/N Cog VGIs.

Then one runs the other flows:

“Find another’s viewpoint,”

“Find a viewpoint that others are creating for others.”

“Find a viewpoint that you have created for yourself.”

A being can be so socked into the MEST universe that viewpoints have become solid
objects. Viewpoints are points from which one views universes. Solid objects are made
up of matter, energy, space and time. Space is created by a viewpoint; a viewpoint can
think the opposite.

Many times you will find a person who is inverted on the dynamics to such an extent
that he feel that MEST has created him rather than the other way around.

This process will get the being into a position of being able to handle the condition
below confusion and set him up for the next steps of the Super Power Rundown.



Super Power Rundown Series 2

This is an unlimited process. Usually you will find the person to be inverted on the
dynamics. God is not an object. When one labels god with an identity one immediately
degrades the 8th dynamic into MEST terms. The 8th dynamic cannot be defined in terms
of MEST. It can only be defined in terms of infinity which the number 8 symbolizes.

When running this process start with the 8th dynamic. Then run through the first up
through the seventh and then stop. The purpose is to get the person to assume various
viewpoints on all the dynamics at one level and then bring the person back to the 8th
dynamic viewpoint.

This process puts responsibility back into the person and sets him up for repair of
all earlier actions which brought about a dwindling spiral away from the 8th dynamic

This process is run even if the person goes exterior or has a big win. The only time
you would end off the process is on a floating tone arm because obviously you cannot get
any more reads on the meter.

While running this process if any upsets, overts, missed withholds occur one simply
cleans them up. On running OTs one deals with any body thetans, clusters, entities and
so forth as they show up. Remember to audit the person in front of you which means if
someone else shows up you must audit them out, set them free before you can set the
person in front of you, in the body, free.

Here are the commands in order:

Assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of others assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing yourself to assume the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of your second dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another second dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of other second dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing all second dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of your third dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another third dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of other third dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.

Get the idea of you causing all third dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of your fourth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another fourth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of other fourth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing all fourth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of your fifth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another fifth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of other fifth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing all fifth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of your sixth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another sixth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of other sixth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing all sixth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of your seventh dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another seventh dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of other seventh dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing all seventh dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of your eighth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another eighth dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of other eighth dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing all eighth dynamics to assume the viewpoint of the 8th
At this point the person should be in very good shape, enough so that his earlier

injustices on the track can be easily accessible from the various viewpoints of the

The next step is to do the Ethics Repair List as per Super Power Rundown Series 3.



Super Power Rundown Series 3

The purpose of the Ethics Repair List is to return full power to a being by proofing
him up against injustices, counter postulates, failed purposes, counter purposes and evil
intentions across the dynamics.

These questions are asked in an unlimited way. In other words it applies to the whole
track and whatever the person comes up with you simply two way comm it earlier similar
to EP. This repair list is actually designed to set the person up to be able to do the actual
super power process. It cleans up the whole track on the subjects of ethics and justice.

Do not take up unreading questions. This list of questions is assessed like a regular
repair list except then when you get a read you stop and handle the question and its charge,
then repeat the same question to ensure no further reads or charge and then carry on with
assessing the list. The list does not have to be F/Ning through the whole list. Handle protest
or false reads accordingly.

1. Have you had a wrong intention?
2. Has another had a wrong intention?
3. Have others had wrong intentions?
4. Have you caused yourself to have wrong intentions?
5. Have you been given a wrong intention?
6. Have you given another a wrong intention?
7. Have others given others a wrong intention?
8. Have you caused yourself to be given a wrong intention?
9. Have you been given a wrong indication?
10. Have you given another a wrong indication?
11. Have others given others a wrong indication?
12. Have you caused yourself to be given a wrong indication?
13. Have you had a wrong postulate?
14. Has another had a wrong postulate?
15. Have others had wrong postulates?
16. Have you caused yourself to have wrong postulates?
17. Have you been given a wrong postulate?
18. Have you given another a wrong postulate?
19. Have others given others a wrong postulate?
20. Have you caused yourself to be given a wrong postulate?
21. Have you ever been in a wrong condition?
22. Has another ever been in a wrong condition?
23. Have others ever been in a wrong condition?
24. Have you ever caused yourself to be in a wrong condition?
25. Have you ever been assigned a wrong condition?
26. Has assigned another a wrong condition?
27. Have another ever assigned another or others a wrong condition?
28. Have you ever assigned yourself a wrong condition?

29. Have you ever applied a wrong formula for a condition?
30. Have you caused another to apply a wrong condition formula?
31. Have others caused others to apply a wrong condition formula?
32. Have you ever caused yourself to apply a wrong condition formula?
33. Has anyone ever disagreed with you?
34. Have you ever disagreed with someone?
35. Have others disagreed with others?
36. Have you caused yourself to be disagreeable?
37. Has someone ever caused you to disagree with another?
38. Have you ever caused anyone to disagree with someone else?
39. Have others caused others to disagree with others?
40. Have you caused yourself to disagree with yourself?
41. Have you ever been punished for disagreeing with someone?
42. Have you ever caused another to be punished for disagreeing with you?
43. Have others caused others to be punished for disagreeing?
44. Have you caused yourself to be punished for disagreeing?
45. Have you ever been lied about?
46. Have you ever lied about someone else?
47. Have others lied about others?
48. Have you lied to yourself about yourself?
49. Has anyone ever said that you were bad?
50. Have you ever said that anyone else was bad?
51. Have others said bad things about others?
52. Have you ever said bad things about yourself?
53. Have you ever disagreed with society?
54. Has society ever disagreed with you?
55. Have others disagreed with society?
56. Have you disagreed with yourself because of society?
57. Have you ever counter postulated the intentions of a society?
58. Has society ever counter postulated your intentions?
59. Have others ever counter postulated the intentions of a society?
60. Have you counter postulated your intentions because of society?
61. Have you ever disagreed with a spouse
62. Have you ever caused another to disagree with a spouse?
63. Have others caused others spouses to disagree with others?
64. Have you caused yourself to disagree with a spouse?
65. Has anyone ever caused you an injustice?
66. Have you ever caused another an injustice?
67. Have others ever caused others an injustice?
68. Have you ever caused yourself an injustice?
69. Have you ever been lied to?
70. Have you ever lied to another?
71. Have others lied to others?
72. Have you lied to yourself about another?

73. Have you lied to yourself about others?
74. Have you lied to yourself about family?
75. Have you lied to yourself about groups?
76. Have you lied to yourself about mankind?
77. Have you lied to yourself about the animal kingdom?
78. Have you lied to yourself about the physical universe?
79. Have you lied to yourself about spiritual beings?
80. Have you lied to yourself about the supreme being?
81. Have you ever agreed with someone verbally but disagreed mentally?
82. Have you caused another to agree with someone verbally but disagree mentally?
83. Have others caused others to agree with others verbally but disagree mentally?
84. Have you caused yourself to agree with others verbally but disagree mentally?
85. Have you ever been falsely accused?
86. Have you ever falsely accused another?
87. Have others falsely accused others?
88. Have you ever caused yourself to be falsely accused?
89. Have you ever been falsely imprisoned by another?
90. Have you ever falsely imprisoned another?
91. Have others ever caused others to be falsely imprisoned?
92. Have you caused yourself to be imprisoned because of others?
93. Have you ever been falsely imprisoned?
94. Has another been falsely imprisoned?
95. Have others been falsely imprisoned?
96. Have you caused yourself to be falsely imprisoned?
97. Have you ever been wrong?
98. Has another ever been wrong?
99. Have others ever been wrong?
100. Have you caused yourself to be wrong?
101. Have you ever been forced into something?
102. Have you ever forced another into something?
103. Have others forced others into something?
104. Have you forced yourself into something?
105. Have you ever been forced into a situation?
106. Have you ever forced another into a situation?
107. Have others forced others into a situation?
108. Have you caused yourself to be forced into a situation?
109. Have you ever been deceived?
110. Have you ever deceived another?
111. Have others ever deceived others?
112. Have you caused yourself to be deceived?
113. Have you ever been manipulated?
114. Have you ever manipulated another?
115. Have others ever manipulated others?
116. Have you caused yourself to be manipulated ?

117. Have you ever been made to stay in a location you didn’t want to be in?
118. Have you ever caused another to stay in a location they didn’t want to be in?
119. Have others ever caused others to stay in a location they didn’t want to be in?
120. Have you ever caused yourself to stay in a location you didn’t want to be in?
121. Have you ever been made to move away from a location you wanted to stay in?
122. Have you ever caused another to move away from a location they wanted to stay in?
123. Have others ever caused others to move away from a location they wanted to stay in?
124. Have you ever caused yourself to move away from a location you wanted to stay in?
125. Have you ever been given a wrong purpose?
126. Have you ever given another a wrong purpose?
127. Have others ever given others a wrong purpose?
128. Have you ever given yourself a wrong purpose?
129. Have you ever had a false purpose
130. Have you ever caused another to have a false purpose?
131. Have others caused others to have a false purpose?
132. Have you ever caused yourself to have a false purpose?
133. Do you have a wrong purpose?
134. Does another have a wrong purpose?
135. Do others have a wrong purposes?
136. Are you causing yourself to have a wrong purpose?
137. Do you have any counter purposes?
138. Does another have any counter purposes?
139. Do others have any counter purposes?
140. Are you causing yourself any counter purposes?
141. Have you ever been told you had a false purpose?
142. Have you ever told another they had a false purpose?
143. Have others told others they have had false purposes?
144. Have you ever told yourself that you had a false purpose?
145. Do you have a failed purpose?
146. Does another have a failed purpose?
147. Do others have a failed purpose?
148. Have you caused yourself to have a failed purpose?
149. Have you ever been told you had a failed purpose?
150. Have you ever told another they had a failed purpose?
151. Have others told others they have had failed purposes?
152. Have you ever told yourself that you had a failed purpose?
153. Are you evil?
154. Is another evil?
155. Are others evil?
156. Are you causing yourself to be evil?

157. Have you ever been told you are evil?
158. Have you ever told another they were evil?
159. Have others told others they are evil?
160. Have you ever told yourself that you are evil?
161. Has anyone ever made you do anything evil?
162. Have you ever made anyone else do anything evil?
163. Have others ever made others do anything evil?
164. Have you ever made yourself do anything evil?
165. Has anyone ever said that you did anything evil?
166. Have you ever said anyone else did anything evil?
167. Have others ever said others did anything evil?
168. Have you ever made yourself say anything evil?
169. Have you been wronged?
170. Have you wronged another?
171. Have others wronged others?
172. Have you caused yourself to wronged?
173. Have you been given an evil purpose?
174. Have you given another an evil purpose?
175. Have others given others evil purposes?
176. Have you caused yourself to have an evil purpose?
177. Have you ever been told you had an evil purpose?
178. Have you ever told another they had an evil purpose?
179. Have others told others they have had an evil purposes?
180. Have you ever told yourself that you had an evil purpose?
181. Have you ever done anything wrong?
182. Has another ever done anything wrong?
183. Have others ever done anything wrong?
184. Have you ever caused yourself anything wrong?
185. Is it wrong to be wrong?
186. Is it wrong for another to be wrong?
187. Is it wrong for others to be wrong?
188. Is it wrong for you to cause yourself to be wrong?
189. Is it wrong to be right?
190. Is it wrong for another to be right?
191. Is it wrong for others to be right?
192. Is it wrong to cause yourself to be right?
193. Have you ever been expelled from a group?
194. Have you ever expelled another from a group?
195. Have others ever expelled others from a group?
196. Have you ever caused yourself to be expelled from a group?
197. Have you ever been forced to leave a group?
198. Have you ever forced another to leave a group?
199. Have others ever forced others to leave a group?
200. Have you ever forced yourself to leave a group?

201. Has anything ever happened too fast for you?
202. Have you ever caused anything to happen too fast?
203. Have others caused anything to happen too fast?
204. Have you caused yourself to have something happen too fast?
205. Has anything ever happened too slow for you?
206. Have you ever caused anything to happen too slow?
207. Have others caused anything to happen too slow?
208. Have you caused yourself to have something happen too slow?
209. Have you ever been given an arbitrary?
210. Have you ever given another an arbitrary?
211. Have others ever given others an arbitrary?
212. Have you caused yourself any arbitraries?
213. Have you been given an absolute?
214. Have you ever given another an absolute?
215. Have others ever given others an absolute?
216. Have you caused yourself any absolutes?
217. Have you ever been given a false law?
218. Have you ever given another a false law?
219. Have others ever given others any false laws?
220. Have you caused yourself any false laws?
221. Have you forgotten anything?
222. Have caused another to forget anything?
223. Have others caused others to forget anything?
224. Have caused yourself to forget anything?


Super Power Rundown Series 4

After the person has completed the condition below confusion by finding viewpoints,
the eighth dynamic processes and the Ethics Repair List, one then has the person
go back to the 8th dynamic process with the following commands:

Get the idea of your 8th dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of another 8th dynamic assuming the viewpoint of the 8th
Get the idea of other 8th dynamics assuming the viewpoint of the 8th dynamic.
Get the idea of you causing all 8th dynamics to assume the viewpoint of all 8th
This now expands the persons viewpoint immensely and sets the person up for the
final processes on the Super Power Rundown.

Remember to run each flow to F/N, Cog, VGIs. Only end the session in the event
of a floating TA and for no other reason.


Super Power Rundown Series 5

The final step of the Super Power Rundown is to give back to the person his full
potential power as a being. All prior steps on the Super Power Rundown have been
designed to get a person into a state wherein he is set up to regain his ability to handle
infinite power. These processes are run just like any other process with full F/N, Cog VGIs
as the EP. If the person goes exterior continue to run the processes. If there is a dial wide
F/N continue to run the process. The only time you would end off the process or the session
is if the person has a persistent floating TA.

At some point during the running of this series of processes the person will reach
a state wherein they are speechless. They will laugh with wild abandon. Their TA will be
floating! They will probably also be exterior and will be unable to communicate in words
what they are experiencing. This is the end result of the Super Power Rundown. It is rare
for this to occur prior to the running of the last flow of this series of processes, but if it
occurs then acknowledge the win.

One thing the auditor must not do is interrupt the person while in the middle of this
major win or during the laughter. Otherwise it will invalidate the win. The auditor simply
maintains his TRs and lets the person have his win. Do not end the session until the
laughter stops as this will also tend to invalidate the person and his win.

The laughter can go on for some time. Perhaps up to an hour. Be sure and just be there
with the person during this win and not end the session until the laughter has subsided.

The following is the last series of processes one runs on the Super Power Rundown:

1. Get the idea that you have infinite power.
2. Get the idea that another has infinite power.
3. Get the idea that others have infinite power.
4. Get the idea that you can cause yourself to have infinite power.
5. Get the idea that you have been given infinite power.
6. Get the idea that another has been given infinite power.
7. Get the idea that others have been given infinite power.
8. Get the idea that you have caused yourself to be given infinite power.
9. Get the idea that you can give another infinite power.
10. Get the idea that another can give you infinite power.
11. Get the idea that others can give others infinite power.
12. Get the idea that you can cause yourself infinite power.
13. Get the idea that you are infinite.
14. Get the idea that another is infinite.
15. Get the idea that others are infinite.
16. Get the idea that you can cause yourself to be infinity.
Make sure to run only the reading process and check for interest. Do not run any
process on the person in which he is not interested.


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